The seller of this listing has agreed to reimburse you upon receiving the return of the item. We would ask that you ship the return via a traceable method to the following address:
We would ask that you use a shipper that offers signature requirement as well as insuring the item to ensure its safe delivery. If the seller's return address is a PO Box, you will need to ship USPS. Please be sure to request signature confirmation and insurance for USPS shipments.
Please understand that using a traceable return shipping method is the only way for us to verify that your merchandise has been received by the seller. Amazon.com strives to maintain a marketplace that is fair to both buyers and sellers. If you don't use a traceable method to return your item and you file an A-to-z Guarantee claim, that may be grounds for your claim to be denied.
Note that Delivery Confirmation through the U.S. Postal Service does not offer a signature service. If the seller's return address is a P.O. Box, you will need to ship USPS, but be sure to request signature confirmation and insurance for USPS shipments.
Please reply to this email with tracking information within three business days. Please note, if we do not receive a reply within this time we will close your claim until we hear from you. We appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for your cooperation and thank you for your interest in Amazon.com.