Killer” is also an informal word that we use as an adjective rather than a noun.
Someone will say, “This is a killer car,” or “That's a killer dress.”
They usually mean it is something that is really great.
Sometimes, “killer” can mean a thing that is very difficult or describes something that is very difficult. “That test was a killer,” or “That was a killer test,” meaning it was a very difficult test. So, it has taken on some other meanings, killer has, over the last several years.
The word “murderer” can also be used for a very difficult situation. “This heat is murder,” meaning it's very difficult. It's very challenging. Or “That test was murder.” It was very tough. It was very hard.
So, it has taken on some other meanings , killer has, over the last several years.
のカンマの間の killer has を除くと
挿入されたkiller hasはどういう意味でしょうか。
お詫びとお礼を申し上げます お詫び: 挿入句はbelievedまで括るべきでした。 mysterialでなく mysticalでした。 お礼: 明快な御解説厚く御礼申し上げます。 本当に勉強になりました。