Until recently, actors felt sure that they would never have to worry about being replaced by a digital actor.
They thought their performances needed expression of feelings which could not be copied by a computer.
However, because of a new digital technology, all of that may change.
Hollywood is busy with talk about how filmmakers will be able to create virtual actors that will be as wonderful as real actors.
Of course, the actors themselves are not happy with this change.
Many actors are deeply troubled at this idea.
The Screen Actors Guild, the leading union for television and film actors, has told filmmakers that it will keep watching producers' activities carefully, becouse actors are afraid that their carefully prepared performances may be changed or even replaced by computer animation.
Why do film producers want to use these virtual actors so much when a big-name stars' film usually becomes a great hit?
The virtual actor will be a digital robot that can do anything the producer tells it to do, at any time, and at any place, without crying, or, without receiving money.
The thought of using peaceful actors who need no contract or no sick days makes many producers and directors very happy.
And of course any money made by these virtual actors will go to te producer.
Filmmakers believe they will save millions of dollars on the filming.
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