- よろしくお願いします
My husband and I were discussing dick size the other night. I asked if he’d ever measured his size. He said, “Probably; who wouldn’t? who wouldn’t?はなぜdoesn'tではなくwouldn’tなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします
- 英文についての質問
What is the structure of the federal judiciary? という問題があるのですが Article III of the Constitution specifies “[t]he judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish” Congress has established such courts from time to time, and collectively they are known as the federal court system, which consist of three levels. そのあとに、U.S. District Courts→U.S. Circuit Courts→At the top is one Supreme Courtとあるのですが、 この上の3つの裁判所は、質問に対する答えになるでしょうか?
- 和訳をお願いします。
The Kaiser came to inspect the progress of the battle. He interviewed captured British Brigadier-General Hubert Rees (GOC 150th Brigade, part of 50th Division). The Kaiser was amused to learn that he was Welsh, the same nationality as Lloyd George. Taken completely by surprise and with their defences spread thin, the Allies were unable to stop the attack and the German army advanced through a 40 kilometres (25 mi) gap in the Allied lines. Reaching the Aisne in under six hours, the Germans smashed through eight Allied divisions on a line between Reims and Soissons, pushing the Allies back to the river Vesle and gaining an extra 15 km of territory by nightfall. Victory seemed near for the Germans, who had captured just over 50,000 Allied soldiers and over 800 guns by 30 May 1918. But advancing within 56 kilometres (35 mi) of Paris on 3 June, the German armies were beset by numerous problems, including supply shortages, fatigue, lack of reserves and many casualties. On 6 June 1918, following many successful Allied counter-attacks, the German advance halted on the Marne, much as the "Michael" and "Georgette" offensives had in March and April of that year.The French had suffered over 98,000 casualties and the British around 29,000. German losses were nearly as great, if not slightly heavier. Duchene was sacked by French Commander-in-Chief Philippe Petain for his poor handling of the British and French troops. The Americans had arrived and proven themselves in combat for the first time in the war. Ludendorff, encouraged by the gains of Blücher-Yorck, launched further offensives culminating in the Second Battle of the Marne. The Battle of Cantigny, fought May 28, 1918 was the first major American battle and offensive of World War I. The U.S. 1st Division, the most experienced of the five American divisions then in France and in reserve for the French Army near the village of Cantigny, was selected for the attack. The objective of the attack was both to reduce a small salient made by the German Army in the front lines but also to instill confidence among the French and British allies in the ability of the inexperienced American Expeditionary Force (AEF). Cantigny カンティニー
- 英文を日本語訳して下さい。
The Third Battle of the Aisne (French: 3e Bataille de L'Aisne) was a battle of the German Spring Offensive during World War I that focused on capturing the Chemin des Dames Ridge before the American Expeditionary Forces arrived completely in France. It was one of a series of offensives, known as the Kaiserschlacht, launched by the Germans in the spring and summer of 1918.The massive surprise attack (named Blücher-Yorck after two Prussian generals of the Napoleonic Wars) lasted from 27 May until 4 June 1918 and was the first full-scale German offensive following the Lys Offensive in Flanders in April. The Germans held the Chemin des Dames Ridge from the First Battle of the Aisne in September 1914 to 1917, when General Mangin captured it during the Second Battle of the Aisne (in the Nivelle Offensive). Operation Blücher-Yorck was planned primarily by Erich Ludendorff, who was certain that success at the Aisne would lead the German armies to within striking distance of Paris. Ludendorff, who saw the British Expeditionary Force as the main threat, believed that this, in turn, would cause the Allies to move forces from Flanders to help defend the French capital, allowing the Germans to continue their Flanders offensive with greater ease. Thus, the Aisne drive was to be essentially a large diversionary attack. The defense of the Aisne area was in the hands of General Denis Auguste Duchêne, commander of the French Sixth Army. In addition, four divisions of the British IX Corps, led by Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander Hamilton-Gordon, held the Chemin des Dames Ridge; they had been posted there to rest and refit after surviving the "Michael" battle.On the morning of 27 May 1918, the Germans began a bombardment (Feuerwalze) of the Allied front lines with over 4,000 artillery pieces. The British suffered heavy losses, because Duchene was reluctant to abandon the Chemin des Dames ridge, after it had been captured at such cost the previous year, and had ordered them to mass together in the front trenches, in defiance of instructions from the French Commander-in-Chief Henri-Philippe Petain. Huddled together, they made easy artillery targets. The bombardment was followed by a poison gas drop. Once the gas had lifted, the main infantry assault by 17 German Sturmtruppen divisions commenced, part of an Army Group nominally commanded by Crown Prince Wilhelm, the eldest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II. Third Battle of the Aisne 第三次エーヌの戦い
- cordialの意味
I hit it off with a woman who I knew was moving out of the country. Our time together lasted only a few weeks. Though the time was short, we shared a really special connection and I’ve been left with memories that will stay with me forever. The last night she was in town, I met her family and we all went out for dessert together. She gave me a really sweet kiss in the car as we said good night. We didn’t spend the night together, but in the morning I was the last person she saw before she left town for good. I gave her a handwritten card that expressed how happy I was that we met and that I wanted to keep in touch and keep getting to know her. She didn’t read the letter that morning, and I felt her energy was cold. We hugged, but didn’t kiss goodbye. Since then, her communication with me has been cordial and mostly superficial. I’m a little blown away by how emotionally and physically intimate we had been for it to suddenly turn so cordial/superficial, literally overnight, without any major incident (besides her move) to provoke the change. cordialはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?辞書にある意味ではないと思うのですが。よろしくお願いします
- 英文についての質問
What are the three important structures that shape the functioning of each chamber in Congress? このような問題文があり、答えになりそうな箇所を探したのですが、 This chapter considers how Congress is structured, both in its division into two equal chambers that must agree with each other to pass legislation, and within each chamber, where three particular structures shape the functioning of each chamber: the leadership structure, the committee structure, and the structure of log-rolling and vote-trading. つまり the leadership structure, the committee structure and the structure of log-rolling and vote-trading. が回答でしょうか? 全然違う内容であれば指摘して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。
- 英文についての質問<アメリカ政治>
Define Federalism((be sure to distinguish it from separation of powers)という問題があるのですが、 = The division of political power between a central government and regional governments. この回答だと「separation of powers」に当てはまるのでしょうか? もしくは The federal government had its “sphere of sovereignty” (the political issues over which it had full authority) and the states had their own sphere of sovereignty, and the boundaries between the two were distinct. This system, the original understanding of American federalism, is called Dual Sovereignty. =こちらが回答かな?と思ったのですがこれはfederalismについての内容であっていますか? 質問がややこしくてすみませんが、よろしくお願いします。
- 英文についての質問
問題で How does the federal government get the states to go along with policies when it does not have the authority to require them to (speed limits, No Child Left Behind, etc. ) このような問題があるのですが、()内はこのような答えがあるよ、と示してくれている、と捉えていいのでしょうか? 「連邦政府が州に対して要求する権限がないとき、どのようにして政策に従うのか(スピード制限、子どもが放置されていないかなど)」 訳し方はこのようなことでであっているでしょうか?
- 下記の英語で通じますか?
海外ネットショップで購入するのに、「商品代金を送金はできますか?」と、メールをしたいのですが、下記の英語で通じますか? Can I remit the item price?
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- mirai1555
- 回答数1
- バイク
以前こちらに自転車の意味で「バイク」という言葉を使って質問したところ、オートバイについての質問と勘違いして回答する人が続発してややこしくなったことがあります。 「ロードバイク」「マウンテンバイク」「クロスバイク」「E-バイク」など、「バイク」という単語は自転車の意味で浸透していると思っていたのですが、まだまだ一般的ではないのでしょうか。
- ベストアンサー
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- tzd78886
- 回答数5
- 翻訳お願い致します。
Is my banking information kept? Zero banking information from our website is kept. Your banking details are directly handled on the secure server of our technical and financial partner Hipay. Banking information that you provide, encrypted on your own computer, will never be circulated online.
- 和訳お願いします!
I'm workin' on the high hope And if it all works out, you might just see me Or hear from me in a while I'm gonna make it across this tight rope And I'm comin' for my prize No more I'll be waitin' 'round While life just passes by Maybe when our hearts realign Maybe when we've both had some time I'm gonna see you there I'm gonna see you there, lay Where we can be natural, lay 'Cause I've been livin' in the half life Not sure which way to turn Why must a man lose everything To find out what he wants I'm gonna wait until it feels right And when that time has come Wild horses won't keep me back From where you have gone Maybe when we're both old and wise Maybe when our hearts have had some time I'm gonna see you there I'm gonna see you there, lay Where we can be natural, lay After all we've seen We can do anything, lay Where your heart is strong Where we can go on and on, lay Where your good times gone Where we are forever young, lay Where your heart is strong Where we can go on and on, lay, lay! I wanna see you there 私の好きなHigh hopeという歌の歌詞ですが、和訳の歌詞が探しても見当たらないので、英語が得意な方やネイティブの方に和訳して頂きたいです。自力でひと通り和訳してみましたが意味不明でした。笑 よろしくお願いします。
- 訳してください
少し長いので全部訳していただかなくて大丈夫です。 This limited understanding of what interstate commerce changed in the 1930s. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th century, which radically re-shaped the structure of the American economy, the federal government began attempting to expand its authority to regulate general economic matters, such as creating laws setting the maximum hours in a week, preventing child labor, and a number of other types of regulation that we take for granted today. =つまり「1930年代にinterstate commerce(州際通商) がどのように変化したか。」ということでしょうか その下に述べられている「the federal government began~」以降がどのように変化したかが述べられている内容でしょうか? How did a change in the interpretation of the interstate commerce clause change American federalism? という質問があるのですが、これとはまた関係のない内容だと解釈したのですが、あっているでしょうか? 質問がわかりにくくてすみません。 よろしくお願いします。
- In welchem Stadtviertel l
In welchem Stadtviertel liegt vor Wohnung? このように聞こえるものがあります。 答え方は、Die Wohnung liegt in der Innenstadtとか、in der Vorstadtとなっています。 Stadtとviertelは分かれているように聞こえたのですが、その前にmと聞こえたのでStadtviertelと判断しました。 聞き取りに自信がないので、おかしい場所があれば、ご指摘いただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- ドイツ語
- noname#239538
- 回答数1
- 英語にお願いします
お世話になっております。 「この写真の内容を表すように文を並べ替えなさい。」 Reorder sentences in order to express this picture. で大丈夫でしょうか? 6つの英文があり、写真を説明するのに適した順番に並べる、というものです。 よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- yuritokaji
- 回答数1
- am Apparatの使い方
かかってきた電話を取る側で「am Apparat」を使う場合の使い方についてです。 答え方として Name + am Apparatとなっているのですが。 たとえば鈴木太郎だった場合、Taro Suzuki am Apparatでよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。
- ベストアンサー
- ドイツ語
- noname#239538
- 回答数1
- 下記の英語で通じますか?
海外のネットショップで購入したいのですが、商品代金は銀行振込みしたいのですが、下記の英語で通じますか? Is it possible to wire transfer the item price?
- アメリカ選挙についての英文
How many electors does each state get in the presidential electoral college? と、このような問題があったのですが、「大統領選挙人団は各州から何人選ばれるか?」ということでしょうか? *** <以下の回答はもしわかれば教えて欲しいです。> 回答をネットで調べたのですがいまいちよくわからず… その回答の選択肢が (1)Each state gets a number of electors equal to its number of Senators and Representatives in Congress. (2) Each states gets 2 electors. (3) Each state gets a number of electors as determined by its population. とあるのですが、答えは(1)だと思うのですが、あっているでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。
- アメリカ政治についての英文
弾丸裁判所の手続きに当てはまる答えを選択肢から選べ、という問題があったのですが、 (1)The House impeaches first, and if the Senate then aloso votes, for impeachment, the impeached person is removed from office. (2)The House impeaches and the trial is held in the Senate, and the person impeached is not removed from office unless they are convicted in the Senate trial. 答えはこの二つのどちらかだと思っています。 (ほかはThe House and Senate meeting as one body collectively vote for impeachment with 2/3 majority the impeached person is removed from office. がありました。) 日本語で弾丸裁判所について調べた結果以下のような文章が出てきました。 「まず初めに、下院において過半数の議員が弾劾について同意をします。次に、上院で弾劾裁判を行います。上院での弾劾裁判では、連邦最高裁判長官が弾劾裁判長として裁判を執り行い、上院の67人以上の出席議員の3分の2以上の賛成が得られると弾劾が決定します。そしてその結果、アメリカ大統領は罷免されます。」 このことから答えは(2)であっているでしょうか? (内容が専門的なことで申し訳ないです。) よろしくお願いします。