- 締切済み
この長文を翻訳してください。お願いします。 長いので、2パートほどに分割します。 (1) Once upon a time, there was a poor girl alone in a village. Her dad and mom died, her relatives weren't there, and at the age of 12, she finally lost her house. Only the poor clothes she wore and a piece of bread were the girl's belongings. However, even in such a situation, the pure and gentle girl believed in God. She believed that even in such a situation, God is sure to protect me.. The girl was walking alone on the road where the cold wind blows. Then a traveler talked to her girl. 「Young lady, give me food . I'm about to die.」 The girl saw the traveler's Skinny face and pitifully gave her a piece of bread, 「May you have God's blessing.」 she saw the traveler happily chewing on the bread, and the girl started walking again. This time, a little boy, a little younger than the girl, was crying. 「I am very cold. my hat was blown by the wind.」 The girl stroked the boy's head, then took off her hood and put it on the boy. The boy stopped crying and thanked her girl and went somewhere.
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)
(3) The girl walked towards the woods, trying to prevent her from the harsh cold. By the time she arrived in the forest, the sun had set and the area was already pitch black. When I* entered the forest, one girl was lying on a tree. The girl wore a tattered, hole-filled piece of cloth. The girls looked and were very similar in age , the only difference is whether she's wearing rags or her underwear. 「Give me what you wears」said the girl in rags. (3)少女は森に向かって歩いて、寒さを防ごうとしました。彼女が森に到着した時にはもう日が暮れて、あたりは真っ暗になっていました。 私(彼女)が*森に入ると、一人の女の子が木の上に横たわっていました。少女はボロボロの穴のあいた布を身に着けていました。少女たちは見た目も年齢もよく似ていて、唯一の違いはボロ布を着ているか下着を着ているかということでした。 「着ているものをちょうだい」とボロ布の少女が言いました。 *筆者が、ある種の感情移入によって主人公の目線で言うために、(sheでなく)Iを用いたものと考えられます。 The girl in her underwear heard the request and she was very confused. If she takes it off, the girl will be completely naked. But when she tell herself that the gentle girl (it's such a dark night, anyone can't see me, and it's for the girl, I'm not embarrassed), She look around a little and no one else. After confirming that it wasn't there, she slowly took off her underwear and handed it over to the girl in rags. 「May you have God's blessing.」 The girl took off her underwear, all bare and naked, and walked quietly through the forest. She slowly moved her legs, hoping she wasn't seen by anyone. Even after dawn and tomorrow, The girl is naked, so she can't go back to the village anymore . 下着姿の少女はその要求を聞いて、とても困惑しました。 下着を脱げば、少女は丸裸になってしまいます。しかし、優しい少女は、 (こんな暗い夜だから誰にも見えないし、女の子のためになるなら恥ずかしくないわ) と自分に言い聞かせました。 彼女は少し周りを見回したが、誰もいません。それを確認すると、彼女はそろそろと下着を脱いで、ボロ布の少女に手渡しました。 「あなたに神様の祝福がありますように」。 少女は下着を脱いで全裸になり、森の中をこっそりと歩きました。誰にも見られないことを祈りながら、ゆっくりと足を動かしました。夜が明けても、明日になっても、少女は裸ですから、もう村には帰れません…。 The girl, who had lost everything, sat in the shade of a tree and looked at the night sky. Many stars were shining in the sky and it was very beautiful. Then the stars began to shine even more. It was as beautiful as jewels in the night sky. Immediately, the light of the star fell on the girl. When the light hits her body, the girl who was naked immediately wore a beautiful linen dress. Also, all the light that fell on the soil turned into beautiful silver coins. The girl picked up that large amount of silver coins. (After all, God protected me) The girl then built a small house in the forest. And she helped her in need and she lived happily all the time. すべてを失った少女は、木陰に座って夜空を眺めていました。空にはたくさんの星が輝いていて、とてもきれいでした。すると、星はさらに輝き始めました。それは夜空に輝く宝石のような美しさでした。 突然、その星の光が少女に降り注ぎました。その光が彼女の体に当たると、裸だった少女はたちまち美しいリネンのドレスを身にまといました。そしてまた、土に降り注いだ光はすべて美しい銀貨に変わりました。少女はその大量の銀貨を拾い上げました。 (やっぱり、神様は私を守ってくださったんだわ)。 その後、少女は森の中に小さな家を建てました。 そして、彼女の助けを求める人に手を差し伸べ、ずっと幸せに暮らしました。 ※この種の質問は3回に分けて、それぞれを別々に質問なさることをお勧めします。そうすれば、3倍速く、しかも多様な回答が寄せられると思います。
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)
(2) The girl saw the boy and started walking alone again. After walking for a while, the girl saw a little girl in poor thin underwear. The little girl said, 「My dad sold all my clothes to buy liquor」 and she shrank her body, probably because of the cold. When the girl said, 「Well that sounds awful…」 she took off her blouse and gave it to the little girl to prevent the cold. (2) 少女はその少年を見て、再び一人で歩き始めました。しばらく歩くと、少女はみじめな薄っぽい下着をつけた女の子を見かけました。その女の子は言いました。 「父ちゃんが、酒を買うためにあたしの服を全部売っちゃったの」 そして彼女は、おそらく寒さのため体を縮こまらせました。その時少女が言いました、 「それはひどいわね…」。 彼女は、女の子の防寒のために自分のブラウスを脱いで女の子に渡しました。 The little girl said 「It's the first time I got a gift from someone! Thank you, sister!」 The girl became happy and she waved her hand to the little girl and started walking again. Then, an old man with a cane sighed with a troubled face. When the girl asked why, the old man said, 「My shoes broke and a hole was opened. I'm in trouble. My house is on the mountain, but I can't go home.」 女の子は言いました。 「あたし、初めて人からプレゼントをもらったわ! ありがとう、お姉さん!」。 少女は嬉しくなって、小さな女の子に手を振って、また歩き始めました。 すると、杖をついたおじいさんが困った顔でため息をついていました。 女が理由を尋ねると、老人はこう言いました、 「靴が壊れて、穴が開いてしまったんです。困っています。家は山の上なんだけど、家に帰れないのです」。 She took off her shoes and gave it to the old man. The old man was so grateful to her and walked towards the mountains. The girl saw it off and she started walking again. She walk the road for a while and a woman holding a baby talked to the girl. 「Don't you have any cloth? It's so cold, but there's no swaddle to warm the baby ...」The girl pitied the woman and baby, and when she took down her skirt, she gave it instead of swaddling. At last, the girl is wearing only one piece of her underwear. 彼女は自分の靴を脱いで、その老人に渡しました。老人はとても感謝し、山の方へ歩いて行きました。少女はそれを見送ると、また歩き出しました。しばらく道を歩いていると、赤ちゃんを抱いた女の人が少女に話しかけてきました。 「何か衣類はありませんか? 寒いのに、赤ん坊を温めるための産着もないのです…」。少女はその女性と赤ん坊を憐れみ、スカートを脱ぐと、産着の代わりにそれを渡しました。 とうとう少女が着ているのは、下着一枚だけになってしまいました。
ありがとうございます! これがラストパートになるのでお願いします (3) The girl walked towards the woods, trying to prevent her from the harsh cold. By the time she arrived in the forest, the sun had set and the area was already pitch black. When I entered the forest, one girl was lying on a tree.The girl wore a tattered, hole-filled piece of cloth.The girls looked and were very similar in age , the only difference is whether she's wearing rags or her underwear. 「Give me what you wears」said the girl in rags. The girl in her underwear heard the request and she was very confused. If she takes it off, the girl will be completely naked. But when she tell herself that the gentle girl (it's such a dark night, anyone can't see me, and it's for the girl, I'm not embarrassed), She look around a little and no one else. After confirming that it wasn't there, she slowly took off her underwear and handed it over to the girl in rags. 「May you have God's blessing.」 The girl took off her underwear, all bare and naked, and walked quietly through the forest. She slowly moved her legs, hoping she wasn't seen by anyone. Even after dawn and tomorrow, The girl is naked, so she can't go back to the village anymore . The girl, who had lost everything, sat in the shade of a tree and looked at the night sky. Many stars were shining in the sky and it was very beautiful. Then the stars began to shine even more. It was as beautiful as jewels in the night sky. Immediately, the light of the star fell on the girl. When the light hits her body, the girl who was naked immediately wore a beautiful linen dress. Also, all the light that fell on the soil turned into beautiful silver coins. The girl picked up that large amount of silver coins. (After all, God protected me) The girl then built a small house in the forest. And she helped her in need and she lived happily all the time.
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)
(1) Once upon a time, there was a poor girl alone in a village. Her dad and mom died, her relatives weren't there, and at the age of 12, she finally lost her house. Only the poor clothes she wore and a piece of bread were the girl's belongings. However, even in such a situation, the pure and gentle girl believed in God. She believed that even in such a situation, God is sure to protect me.. (1) 昔々、ある村に一人の貧しい少女がいました。父さんやお母さんも亡くなり、親戚もそこにいなくなり、12歳の時、ついに家を失ってしまいました。 少女の持ち物は、着ている貧弱な服と一切れのパンだけでした。 しかし、そんな状況にあっても、純粋で優しい少女は神様を信じていました。こんな状況であっても、神様はきっと私を守ってくださるわ…。 The girl was walking alone on the road where the cold wind blows. Then a traveler talked to her girl. 「Young lady, give me food . I'm about to die.」 The girl saw the traveler's Skinny face and pitifully gave her a piece of bread, 「May you have God's blessing.」 she saw the traveler happily chewing on the bread, and the girl started walking again. 少女は冷たい風が吹く道を一人で歩いていました。すると、一人の旅人が少女に話しかけました。 「お嬢さん、食べ物をください。私は死にそうなんです」。 少女は旅人のやせ細った顔を見て、哀れんでパンを一切れあげました。 「神様のご加護がありますように」。 旅人が嬉しそうにパンを頬張るのを見て、少女は再び歩き出した。 This time, a little boy, a little younger than the girl, was crying. 「I am very cold. my hat was blown by the wind.」 The girl stroked the boy's head, then took off her hood and put it on the boy. The boy stopped crying and thanked her girl and went somewhere. 今度は、少女より少し年下の男の子が泣いていました。 「帽子が風に飛ばされて、ボクとても寒いんだ」。 少女は男の子の頭をなで、それから自分の頭巾を脱いで男の子にかぶせてあげました。男の子は泣き止んで、女の子にお礼を言って、どこかへ去って行きました。
ありがとうございます!! この2パート目も翻訳していただきたいのですが、思ったより文が長かったので、まだもう1パートだけ続きます。 (2) The girl saw the boy and started walking alone again. After walking for a while, the girl saw a little girl in poor thin underwear. The little girl said, 「My dad sold all my clothes to buy liquor」 and she shrank her body, probably because of the cold. When the girl said, 「Well that sounds awful…」 she took off her blouse and gave it to the little girl to prevent the cold. The little girl said 「It's the first time I got a gift from someone! Thank you, sister!」 The girl became happy and she waved her hand to the little girl and started walking again. Then, an old man with a cane sighed with a troubled face. When the girl asked why, the old man said, 「My shoes broke and a hole was opened. I'm in trouble. My house is on the mountain, but I can't go home.」 She took off her shoes and gave it to the old man. The old man was so grateful to her and walked towards the mountains. The girl saw it off and she started walking again. She walk the road for a while and a woman holding a baby talked to the girl. 「Don't you have any cloth? It's so cold, but there's no swaddle to warm the baby ...」The girl pitied the woman and baby, and when she took down her skirt, she gave it instead of swaddling. At last, the girl is wearing only one piece of her underwear.
ありがとうございます。とても助かりました。 1つの長文をバラバラに質問するのはなんとなくやめておいたのですが、次回があったらそうさせていただきます。ありがとうございました。