• ベストアンサー


At 17:20 McCay signalled Bridges that large numbers of unwounded men were leaving the battlefield and heading for the beaches. This was followed by Maclagan asking for urgent artillery fire support, onto Gun Ridge, as his left was under a heavy attack and at 18:16 Owen reported the left flank was "rapidly" being forced to retire. At dusk Maclagan made his way to Bridges headquarters and when asked for his opinion replied "It's touch and go. If the Turks come on in mass formation ... I don't think anything can stop them." As it got dark the Turkish artillery ceased firing, and although small arms fire continued on both sides, the effects were limited when firing blind. Darkness also provided the opportunity to start digging more substantial trenches and to resupply the troops with water and ammunition. The last significant action of the day was at 22:00 south of Lone Pine, when the Turks charged towards Bolton's Ridge. By now the 8th Battalion had positioned two machine-guns to cover their front, which caused devastation amongst the attackers, and to their left the 4th Battalion also became involved. When the Turks got to within fifty yards (46 m) the 8th Battalion counter-attacked in a bayonet charge and the Turks withdrew. The ANZAC defence was aided by Royal Navy searchlights providing illumination. Both sides now waited for the next attack, but the day's events had shattered both formations and they were no longer in any condition to conduct offensive operations. By nightfall, around sixteen thousand men had been landed, and the ANZACs had formed a beachhead, although with several undefended sections. It stretched along Bolton's Ridge in the south, across 400 Plateau, to Monash Valley. After a short gap it resumed at Pope's Hill, then at the top of Walker's Ridge. It was not a large beachhead; it was under two miles (3.2 km) in length, with a depth around 790 yards (720 m), and in places only a few yards separated the two sides. That evening Birdwood had been ashore to check on the situation, and, satisfied, returned to HMS Queen. Around 21:15 he was asked to return to the beachhead. There he met with his senior officers, who asked him to arrange an evacuation. Unwilling to make that decision on his own he signalled Hamilton; Both my divisional generals and brigadiers have represented to me that they fear their men are thoroughly demoralised by shrapnel fire to which they have been subjected all day after exhaustion and gallant work in morning. Numbers have dribbled back from the firing line and cannot be collected in this difficult country.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>At 17:20 McCay signalled Bridges that large numbers of unwounded men were leaving the battlefield and heading for the beaches. This was followed by Maclagan asking for urgent artillery fire support, onto Gun Ridge, as his left was under a heavy attack and at 18:16 Owen reported the left flank was "rapidly" being forced to retire. At dusk Maclagan made his way to Bridges headquarters and when asked for his opinion replied "It's touch and go. If the Turks come on in mass formation ... I don't think anything can stop them." As it got dark the Turkish artillery ceased firing, and although small arms fire continued on both sides, the effects were limited when firing blind. Darkness also provided the opportunity to start digging more substantial trenches and to resupply the troops with water and ammunition. ⇒17時20分に、マッケイはブリッジスに信号を送って、負傷していない多数の兵士が戦場を離れ、ビーチに向かっていることを知らせた。これに続いてマクラガンは、彼の左翼隊が激しい攻撃を受けているので、ガン尾根への緊急砲撃支援を求めた。そして18時16分、オーウェンは左翼隊が「急速に」退却を余儀なくされていると報告した。夕暮れ時にマクラガンがブリッジスの本部に向かい、意見を求められてこう答えた。「それは一触即発です。トルコ軍が集団編成でやって来たら…何も彼らを止めることはできないと思います。」暗くなったのでトルコ軍の砲兵隊は砲撃を停止したが、小型武器の発砲は両側で継続した。ただし、やみくもの発砲なので効果は限定的であった。暗闇(の存在)はまた、より実質的な塹壕を掘り始めたり、軍隊に水と弾薬を補給したりする機会となった。 >The last significant action of the day was at 22:00 south of Lone Pine, when the Turks charged towards Bolton's Ridge. By now the 8th Battalion had positioned two machine-guns to cover their front, which caused devastation amongst the attackers, and to their left the 4th Battalion also became involved. When the Turks got to within fifty yards (46 m) the 8th Battalion counter-attacked in a bayonet charge and the Turks withdrew. The ANZAC defence was aided by Royal Navy searchlights providing illumination. Both sides now waited for the next attack, but the day's events had shattered both formations and they were no longer in any condition to conduct offensive operations. ⇒この日の最後の重要な戦闘行動は、トルコ軍が22時にローン・パイン南でボルトンの尾根に向かって突進したものであった。これまでに、第8大隊は2丁の機関銃で前部を覆うように配置し、攻撃隊に惨害を与えた。また、左翼では第4大隊も参戦した。トルコ軍が50ヤード(46 m)以内に到達したとき第8大隊は銃剣で反撃し、トルコ軍は撤退した。アンザック防衛隊は、照明を提供する英国海軍のサーチライトの支援を受けた。両陣営とも、今や次の攻撃を待ったが、その日の出来事は、両陣形ともずたずたに打ち砕かれて、もはや攻勢作戦の行動を取るような条件はなかった。 >By nightfall, around sixteen thousand men had been landed, and the ANZACs had formed a beachhead, although with several undefended sections. It stretched along Bolton's Ridge in the south, across 400 Plateau, to Monash Valley. After a short gap it resumed at Pope's Hill, then at the top of Walker's Ridge. It was not a large beachhead; it was under two miles (3.2 km) in length, with a depth around 790 yards (720 m), and in places only a few yards separated the two sides. That evening Birdwood had been ashore to check on the situation, and, satisfied, returned to HMS Queen. ⇒日暮れまでに、約1万6千人の兵士が上陸し、いくつかの無防備な地区はあったが、アンザックが橋頭堡を形成していた。それは南のボルトン尾根に沿って、400番高原を越えてモナッシュ渓谷まで伸びていた。短い間隙の後、ポープの丘やその後のウォーカーズ尾根の頂点で再出現している。それは、奥行きが約790ヤード(720 m)で長さは2マイル(3.2 キロ)未満なので、大きな橋頭堡ではなかった。場所によっては両側が数ヤードしか離れていなかった。その夜、バードウッドは状況を確認するために上陸し、満足して、HMSクイーン号に戻った。 >Around 21:15 he was asked to return to the beachhead. There he met with his senior officers, who asked him to arrange an evacuation. Unwilling to make that decision on his own he signalled Hamilton; Both my divisional generals and brigadiers have represented to me that they fear their men are thoroughly demoralised by shrapnel fire to which they have been subjected all day after exhaustion and gallant work in morning. Numbers have dribbled back from the firing line and cannot be collected in this difficult country. ⇒21時15分ごろ、彼は橋頭堡に戻るよう請われた。そこで彼は上司と会い、上司は避難を手配するよう彼に頼んだ。彼は自分でその決定を下したくないので、ハミルトンにこう合図した。「私の隊では師団長も旅団長も、午前の勇敢な戦いと疲労の後に一日中さらされた散弾砲撃によって、残念ながら配下の兵ともども徹底的に士気を失っていることを私に表明しました。多数の兵が砲撃戦線から漏れ落ちており、この困難な国土では彼らを集めきれません。」



