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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を日本語訳して下さい。)

The Battle of Mora: A Tragic Encounter on the Mountain

  • During the Battle of Mora, a group of soldiers became disoriented in the mist and mistakenly engaged German troops, resulting in casualties and retreat.
  • The German force overwhelmed the British, killing three soldiers and capturing one, while the rest were forced to retreat.
  • The Allies launched an attack on the German positions, but faced heavy resistance and suffered significant losses.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>As they made their way down a thick mist fell, causing a group to become disoriented and wander away from the main detachment. When the fog rose, Captain Fox's soldiers saw counter-attacking German troops in the distance wearing red fezzes, and, mistaking them for the similarly-uniformed French troops who had gone astray, did not initially engage them. The German force overwhelmed the British, killing three, including a doctor, capturing one, and forcing the rest to retreat back to Sava. ⇒彼ら(分遣隊)が山を下りるとき、濃い霧が降りたので1個グループが道に迷い、主要分遣隊から離れた。霧が上がると、フォックス大尉の兵士たちは遠方に赤いフェズ(トルコ帽)をかぶった敵のドイツ軍を見た。ドイツの軍団は英国軍を圧倒し、医師を含む3人を殺害し、1人を捕縛し、残りの兵をサヴァに退却させた。 >The Germans lost one African soldier in this encounter. After returning from their first attack on the German positions, the British began building defenses on a hill near Sava, closer to Mora mountain, and Captain Fox requested that artillery be brought up from Nigeria. At this time, the small French force under Captain Ferrandi returned to Fort Lamy in French Equatorial Africa. The Allied attack having made them aware of the vulnerabilities of their position on the slopes of the mountain, the Germans relocated to the summit in early September. ⇒ドイツ軍はこの会戦で1人のアフリカ人兵士を失った。英国軍は、最初のドイツ軍への攻撃から戻った後、モラ山に近いサヴァ付近の丘の上に防衛施設を建設し始めた。そしてフォックス大尉は、ナイジェリアからの砲兵隊の引き上げを要求した。この時点で、フェランディ大尉麾下のフランス軍小部隊が、フランス領赤道アフリカのラミー砦に戻った。連合国軍の攻撃により、山の斜面に立地する陣地の脆弱性を認識したドイツ軍は、9月上旬に頂上へ移動した。 >A German force at Fort Kusseri, under Lieutenant Kallmeyer, withdrew to Mora in late September, further strengthening von Raben's defences. Around 300 French troops under Lieutenant Colonel Brisett were also freed up after the Battle of Kusseri, and joined the British force at Mora, occupying several hills around the mountain. By late October 1914 the Allies had machine guns and artillery in position. The Germans prepared for the imminent siege by sending scavenging parties to gather as much food as possible, in which they were quite successful. ⇒9月下旬にカルメイヤー中尉の下にあるクセリ砦のドイツ軍がモラに撤退し、フォン・ラーベン守備隊をさらに強化した。ブリセット中佐の下にいる約300人のフランス軍も、「クセリの戦い」の後に解放され、モラで英国軍に加わり、山の周囲でいくつかの丘を占拠した。、連合国軍は、1914年10月下旬までに機関銃隊と砲兵隊を配置した。ドイツ軍は、差し迫った包囲の準備をすべく、可能な限り多くの食物をあさって集めるために数個分隊を送り出したところ、見事に成功した。 >On 29 October, Allied artillery began to pound the German positions while machine guns fired at the Schutztruppen. Two days later a French Senegalese unit attempted to storm the German positions atop the mountain, and was almost completely destroyed. Further waves of French troops continued to charge up the slopes, and were also cut down. One result of this action was that German troops were able to seize supplies from the Allied dead, including ammunition and even machine guns. ⇒10月29日に、連合国軍の砲兵隊がドイツ軍陣地に猛攻撃し始め、その間機関銃隊が植民地保護隊を砲撃した。2日後、フランス軍のセネガル部隊が山の頂上でドイツ軍の陣地を襲撃しようとしたが、ほぼ完全に撃破された。フランス軍の更なる波が斜面を攻撃し続け、そしてまた(そのたびに)切り崩された。この戦闘行動の1つの結果として、ドイツ軍は連合国軍の死者から弾薬や機関銃を含む諸物資を奪取することができた、ということであった。 >A short truce ensued for the purpose of burying those who had died in the attacks. On 4 November, artillery bombarded German forward positions on the north side of Mora. A French infantry attack followed, which resulted in the death of two German officers and three soldiers, and the Allied occupation of the outpost. The remainder of the German force withdrew, but fighting continued throughout the night, until German forces under the command of an African sergeant stormed and retook the position. ⇒攻撃で亡くなった人々を埋める目的で短い休戦が続いた。11月4日に、砲兵はモラの北側でドイツ軍の前方陣地を爆撃した。フランス軍の歩兵隊による攻撃が続き、その結果、ドイツ軍の将校2人と兵士3人が死亡し、連合国軍が前哨基地を占領した。残りのドイツ軍団は撤退したが、アフリカ人軍曹の指揮下にあるドイツ軍は襲撃を受けてその陣地を取り戻すまで、夜通し戦い続けた。



