Englsh Translation: Troop Movements and Battle Strategy in 1916
In 1916, troops were strategically stationed around a town, with reserves kept nearby.
On September 7th, the 3rd Infantry Division launched a frontal assault on defensive positions.
German artillery and salvaged guns from the SMS Koenigsberg inflicted heavy damage on South African formations.
200 troops were stationed around the town, 1,000 were kept as a mobile reserve to the west while another 1,000 were kept in reserve on the other side of a mountain. On 7 September 1916, the 3rd Infantry Division conducted a frontal assault on the defensive positions of the Schutztruppen. German Field Artillery and 4.1 inch (100 mm) guns, salvaged from the SMS Koenigsberg, blasted the South African formations. The 1st Mounted Brigade attempted to maneuver around the flank and prepared to assault on the German positions. However, the treacherous terrain, and loss of the radio linking them to 3rd Infantry Division, caused them to arrive on 8 September.
>200 troops were stationed around the town, 1,000 were kept as a mobile reserve to the west while another 1,000 were kept in reserve on the other side of a mountain. On 7 September 1916, the 3rd Infantry Division conducted a frontal assault on the defensive positions of the Schutztruppen.
*200 troops「200個の軍隊」:通常、大尉クラスの将校が指揮する「中隊規模の兵士集団」をone troop「1個軍隊」とするのが普通である、という。
>German Field Artillery and 4.1 inch (100 mm) guns, salvaged from the SMS* Koenigsberg, blasted the South African formations. The 1st Mounted Brigade attempted to maneuver around the flank and prepared to assault on the German positions.
SMS:Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area「標準大都市地区」。
>However, the treacherous terrain, and loss of the radio linking them to 3rd Infantry Division, caused them to arrive on 8 September.