- ベストアンサー
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
私はあなたのプロフィールの写真を見たので、私はあなたがとても素敵な人であることがわかりました。 Since I saw the picture of your profile, I understood that you are very lovely person. しかし、私はあなたに私の写真を見せていないので私は心配しています。 However, I am worried because I have not shown you my picture. 私がどんな人なのか気にしないのであれば、以前と同じようにします。 If you do not care what kind of person I am, I will do as before. あなたが少しでも私に興味を持っているならば、私はあなたに写真を送ります。 If you are interested in me even a little, I will send you a picture.
その他の回答 (2)
- nagata2017
- ベストアンサー率33% (7028/20702)
google翻訳 I took a picture of my profile image to see what kind of person you were, so I understood that it was a very nice person. However, I was concerned because my picture was not shown to you. As long as I am not interested in what kind of person I will stay as it is. If you are interested in anything, I will send you a picture. 修正 I took a picture of your profile image to see what kind of person you were, so I understood that it was a very nice person. However, I was concerned because my picture was not shown to you. As long as you are not interested in what kind of person I will stay as it is. If you are interested in anything about me, I will send you a picture.
- ベストアンサー率14% (307/2063)
I took a picture of my profile image to see what kind of person you were, so I understood that it was a very nice person. However, I was concerned because my picture was not shown to you. As long as I am not interested in what kind of person I will stay as it is. If you are interested in anything, I will send you a picture.。