Usually the adults, young adults and some elders too, with poor willpower.
Only the children, some youngsters, or the elders like me with enough strength and hopes for the future were able to not be polluted.
Because of this pollution, the majority in this city started to lose their hope and their ethical beliefs.
The food, richness, and welfare started to be distributed in an unfair way because of several kemonos with selfish desires for power, comfort, and dirty pleasures. They started to control almost everything here with mafia and gangs.
The adults spend all day using drugs, drinking, or having dirty intercourse without love, and neglect their children and the environment.
Because of that this city is so dirty now... making people beg, or worse, tell their children to prostitute themselves or steal to get more drugs or alcohol in the name of their selfish desires.
All because their souls are poisoned...
I never saw such behavior in the kemonos before!