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Fierce Battles and Victories in WWI: The Assault on Konstanzlager

  • Field artillery launched a determined attack on the heavily fortified Konstanzlager, but its reinforced concrete structure proved extremely resilient.
  • Despite initial delays, French troops successfully captured the eastern end of Erfurt Trench and advanced to the edge of Bois de Mont Perthois.
  • In the VIII Corps area, the 34th Division fought fiercely, capturing part of Erfurt Trench and making significant progress on Mont Cornillet and Mont Blond.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>Field artillery moved forward and engaged the Konstanzlager from near Bois-en-Escalier but the reinforced concrete structure was so resilient, that the attack on the redoubt and dug-outs was postponed, until a bombardment by heavy howitzers could be arranged next day. The troops near the redoubt dug in but the troops on the right flank, advanced close to the summit of the ridge. At 5:45 a.m., the French took the east end of Erfurt Trench, despite delays as some redoubts held out, reached the edge of Bois de Mont Perthois by noon and then repulsed four German counter-attacks before nightfall. ⇒野戦砲兵隊が前進して、ボワ・ザン・エスカリエールの近くからコンスタンツラガー(=常設陣宿)と交戦したが、鉄筋コンクリート構造が非常に強靭だったので、大型榴弾砲による砲撃が手配できる翌日まで、砦と避難壕への攻撃は延期された。砦近くの軍隊は塹壕を掘ったが、右側面の軍隊は尾根の頂上近くまで進軍した。午前5時45分、フランス軍はエルフール塹壕の東端を掌握し、数か所の砦の奪取が手間どったにもかかわらず、正午までにモン・ペルトワの端に到達して、夕暮れ前に4回のドイツ軍反撃を撃退した。 >In the VIII Corps area, the 34th Division east of the Thuizy–Nauroy road, attacked at 4.45 a.m., with two regiments and an hour later, could be seen threading their way up the heights, bombing dug-outs and fighting hand-to-hand in the open with German infantry. By 6.45 a.m., part of Erfurt Trench and the communication trenches leading towards it, had been captured but the Germans retained a foothold, at the west end of the trench. The 83rd Regiment resumed the advance on Mont Cornillet and the 59th Regiment attacked Mont Blond the 34th Division took nearly all of its objectives on Mont Cornillet and Mont Blond, at the west end of the Moronvilliers massif. ⇒トゥィジー‐ノロイ道上に布陣する第VIII軍団地域所属の第34師団が2個連隊をもって、1時間後の午前4時45分、高地を縫うように上り、避難壕を爆撃し、戸外でドイツ軍歩兵連隊と肉弾戦を交えるのが見られた。午前6時45分、エルフール塹壕とそれにつながるコミュニケーション塹壕の一部が攻略されたが、ドイツ軍は塹壕西端の足場を保持した。第83連隊はモン・コルニェへの進軍を再開し、第59連隊はモン・ブロンを攻撃したが、そこは第34師団がモロンヴィェール高地の西端にあるモン・コルニェとモン・ブロンの標的の大半を掌握したところであった。



