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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を日本語訳して下さい。)

Fog and Troopers: A Tactical Advantage

  • Despite the challenging navigation caused by the fog, it provided cover for large troop movements. The Imperial Camel Brigade, together with two mounted divisions, swiftly cut off the roads to Gaza, isolating the Ottoman garrison with a 15-mile cavalry screen.
  • In the early morning, the Anzac Mounted Division encountered opposition, with the 7th Light Horse Regiment under attack. Hostile aircraft also targeted the Desert Column mounted troops. As the cavalry screen advanced, they disrupted communication lines and captured enemy wagons and prisoners.
  • Meanwhile, an aerial report alerted the German commander at Tel esh Sheria to the advancing enemy forces: two infantry divisions approaching Gaza and multiple cavalry divisions and armored cars moving between Gaza and Tel esh Sheria.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>While the fog made navigation difficult, it also shielded the movement of large bodies of troopers, so the two mounted divisions with the Imperial Camel Brigade attached, rapidly cut the roads leading to Gaza from the north and east, isolating the Ottoman garrison, in a 15 miles (24 km) long cavalry screen. ⇒霧がナビゲーション(方向探知)を難しくする一方で、それはまた騎兵隊員らの大きな本体の動きを庇護したので、2個騎馬師団が付属の帝国ラクダ旅団とともに北と東からガザに通じる道を素早く切り離し、長さ15マイル(24キロ)にわたる騎兵隊陣幕でオスマントルコ駐屯軍を孤立させた。 >The leading division, the Anzac Mounted Division, first encountered hostile forces at 08:00. At that time the 7th Light Horse Regiment (2nd Light Horse Brigade) was attacked near Sheikh Abbas. Shortly afterwards, hostile aircraft fired machine guns on these leading Desert Column mounted troops. As the mounted screen crossed the Gaza to Beersheba road, they cut the telegraph lines, and a patrol captured ten wagons, while other units captured 30 German pioneers and their pack-horses. ⇒主要な師団、アンザック騎馬師団は、8時に初めて敵軍と遭遇した。その時、第7軽騎馬連隊(第2軽騎馬旅団)が、シャイフ・アッバスの近くで攻撃された。その後まもなく、敵軍航空機が、これらの主要な砂漠縦隊の騎馬軍隊に機関銃砲火を浴びせた。陣幕の騎馬隊がガザを横切ってベールシェバ道へ出たので、彼らは電信線を切断し、パトロール隊が10台のワゴンを捕縛した。そしてその間に他の部隊が30人のドイツ軍工兵と彼らの荷馬を捕縛した。 >At this time, the German commander at Tel esh Sheria, Kress von Kressenstein, received an aerial report describing the advance of two enemy infantry divisions towards Gaza, and about three enemy cavalry divisions and armoured cars, had advanced north between Gaza and Tel esh Sheria. ⇒このときに、テル・エッシュ・シャリーアにいたドイツの指揮官クレス・フォン・クレッセンシュタインは、ガザの方向へ敵の2個歩兵師団が進軍中であり、およそ3個騎馬師団と装甲車数台がガザとテル・エッシュ・シャリーアの間を進軍して行ったことを告げる航空機からの報告を受け取った。



