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The Eastern Force's Plan to Attack Gaza

  • After the 42nd Division left, Dobell's Eastern Force prepared to attack Gaza, believing that the enemy would withdraw without a fight.
  • The Anzac Mounted Division and the 53rd Division camped at Sheikh Zowaiid, joined by the 22nd Mounted Brigade.
  • Rafa was occupied by mounted troops while two infantry divisions of Eastern Force remained at El Arish to defend headquarters.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>After the 42nd (East Lancashire) Division left for the Western Front, Dobell's Eastern Force consisted of four infantry divisions; the 52nd (Lowland) Division, the 53rd (Welsh) Division, the 54th (East Anglian) Division and the 74th (Yeomanry) Division, which had recently been formed by converting yeomanry regiments into infantry battalions. ⇒第42(東ランカシア)師団が西部戦線に向けて出発したあと、ドーベルの東部軍団は、第52(ローランド)師団、第53(ウェールズ)歩兵師団、第54(東部アングル)師団と第74(ヨーマンリー)師団の4個歩兵師団から構成される状態となった。この第74師団は、ヨーマンリー連隊を歩兵大隊に変換することによって最近形成された。 >Dobell thought the victory at Rafa should be quickly exploited by attacking Gaza; "an early surprise attack was essential ... otherwise it was widely believed the enemy would withdraw without a fight." He ordered Rafa to be occupied by mounted troops while two infantry divisions of Eastern Force remained at El Arish to defend his headquarters. ⇒ドーベルは、ガザを攻撃することによってラファでの勝利をいち早く物にすべきだと考えた。「早めの不意打ちが重要だ…、さもなければ、敵は戦うことなく撤退する(力を温存する)と思われところが大きい」。彼は、東部軍団の2個歩兵師団がエル・アリーシュに残って軍本部を守る間に、騎馬軍隊がラファを占拠するようにと命じた。 >On 23 February, the Anzac Mounted Division and the 53rd (Welsh) Division, commanded by Major General S.F. Mott, were camped on the beach at Sheikh Zowaiid. Here they were joined by the 22nd Mounted Brigade, replacing the 5th Mounted Brigade which returned to El Burj. ⇒2月23日、アンザック騎馬師団と第53(ウェールズ)歩兵師団がS.F. モット少将に命じられてシャイフ・ゾワイードの浜に野営した。ル・ブルジに戻った第5騎馬旅団に代わって、第22騎馬旅団がここで彼ら両師団と合流した。



