• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)


  • They deployed with the 2nd Light Horse Brigade on a front extending from the Mediterranean Sea to the Gaza to Jebalieh road, the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade deployed from the Gaza-Jebalieh road to the top of the ridge running northeast, while the Lincolnshire Yeomanry and Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry regiments, of the 22nd Mounted Brigade, held from the right of the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade to the track leading to Beit Durdis.
  • During this time, the infantry attack on Gaza by the 53rd (Welsh) Division had been progressing. By 13:30, the 160th (Welsh Border) Brigade on the left had advanced rapidly to capture the Labyrinth, a maze of entrenched gardens due south of Gaza. Their 2/10th Middlesex Regiment established themselves on a grassy hill, while their 1/4th Royal Sussex Regiment advanced up the centre of the Es Sire ridge under intense hostile fire, suffering heavy casualties including their commanding officer.
  • Having reached the crest, they were forced to fall back in some disorder by the Ottoman defenders. However, after being reinforced at 16:00 they recommenced their advance.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10007/12518)

>They deployed with the 2nd Light Horse Brigade on a front extending from the Mediterranean Sea to the Gaza to Jebalieh road, the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade deployed from the Gaza-Jebalieh road to the top of the ridge running northeast, while the Lincolnshire Yeomanry and Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry regiments, of the 22nd Mounted Brigade, held from the right of the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade to the track leading to Beit Durdis. ⇒彼ら(アンザック騎馬師団)は、その第2軽騎馬旅団を地中海からジェバリエフ道上をガザにかけて布陣し、ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団はガザ-ジェバリエフ道から北東へ走る尾根の頂上にかけて展開した。その一方で、第22騎馬旅団のリンカーンシア・ヨーマンリーとシャーウッド・レインジャーズ・ヨーマンリー連隊は、ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団の右翼からベイト・ドゥルディスに通じる道を抑えた。 >During this time, the infantry attack on Gaza by the 53rd (Welsh) Division had been progressing. By 13:30, the 160th (Welsh Border) Brigade on the left had advanced rapidly to capture the Labyrinth, a maze of entrenched gardens due south of Gaza. ⇒この間に、第53(ウェールズ)師団によるガザへの歩兵攻撃が進捗していた。13時30分までに、第160の(ウェールズ・ボーダー)旅団の左翼が、ガザ真南の塹壕網地帯の迷路ラビュリンスを攻略するために高速進軍を仕かけた。 >Their 2/10th Middlesex Regiment established themselves on a grassy hill, while their 1/4th Royal Sussex Regiment advanced up the centre of the Es Sire ridge under intense hostile fire, suffering heavy casualties including their commanding officer. Having reached the crest, they were forced to fall back in some disorder by the Ottoman defenders. However, after being reinforced at 16:00 they recommenced their advance. ⇒彼らのうちの第2/10ミドルセックス連隊が草深い丘にしっかと陣取る一方、第1/4王立サセックス連隊は強烈な敵軍の砲火をくぐってエス・シレ・リッジ(尾根)の中心部に突き進んだが、指揮官を含み甚大な犠牲者を被った。頂上に着いた彼らは、オスマントルコ軍守備隊によって一部統制を乱されて後退を余儀なくされた。しかし彼らは、軍の補強を行った後16時に進軍を再開した。




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