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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語訳をお願いいたします。)

Germany's Unreliable Promises: The Strain of Financial Support and War Supplies

  • Germany's promises of financial support for Mexico proved to be unreliable, as they were unable to provide the necessary gold for an independent national bank.
  • Even if Mexico received financial support, the procurement of arms and ammunition from Argentina, Brazil, and Chile would strain relations with these countries.
  • In addition, accommodating a large English-speaking population with better arms than most populations would pose a challenge for Mexico, even in the event of a successful conflict against the United States.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>Germany's promises of "generous financial support" were very unreliable. The German government had already informed Carranza in June 1916 that they were unable to provide the necessary gold needed to stock a completely independent Mexican national bank. ⇒「気前のよい財政援助」というドイツの約束は、まったく頼みにならないものであった。ドイツ政府は、完全に独立したメキシコ国立銀行に預託するために必要な金を提供することができないことを、すでに1916年6月にカランサに知らせていたのである。 >Even if Mexico received financial support, the arms, ammunition, and other needed war supplies would presumably have to be purchased from the ABC nations (Argentina, Brazil, and Chile), which would strain relations with them, as explained below. ⇒たとえメキシコが財政援助を受けたとしても、武器、弾薬、その他必要な戦争供給品は、おそらくABC諸国(アルゼンチン、ブラジルとチリ)から購入しなければならないが、下で説明されるように、それは彼らとの関係の重圧となるだろう。 >Even if by some chance Mexico had the military means to win a conflict against the United States and reclaim the territories in question, Mexico would have severe difficulty accommodating a large English-speaking population that was better supplied with arms than most populations. ⇒何かのはずみで、たとえアメリカ合衆国に対する紛争に勝って、問題の領域を取り戻す軍事的手段がメキシコにあったとしても、メキシコの大部分の住民よりよい武器を供給される多くの英語民を順応させるのは深刻な困難が伴うだろう。 >Other foreign relations were at stake. The ABC nations organized the Niagara Falls peace conference in 1914 to avoid a full-scale war between the United States and Mexico over the United States occupation of Veracruz. ⇒他の外交関係は危なくなっていた。ABC諸国は、米国によるベラクルス占領につい、てアメリカ合衆国とメキシコの間での全面戦争を避けるために、1914年にナイアガラの滝平和会議を組織した。



