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Deceptive Operations in the Battle of the Somme

  • Despite disruption, minor operations were conducted to deceive the Germans that the Battle of the Somme was resuming.
  • On January 27th, a brigade of the 29th Division launched an attack supported by artillery barrages.
  • The operation resulted in the capture of 368 prisoners at a cost of 382 casualties.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12613)

>Despite the disruption of these moves, minor operations were conducted, to deceive the Germans that the Battle of the Somme was resuming. On 27 January a brigade of the 29th Division attacked northwards, on a 750 yards (690 m) front astride the Frégicourt–Le Transloy road, towards an objective 400 yards (370 m) away. ⇒これらの動きによる破壊にもかかわらず、「ソンムの戦い」を再開していたドイツ軍を欺くために、より小さな作戦行動が行われた。1月27日に、第29師団の1個旅団が北方への攻撃のために400ヤード(370m)離れた標的に向って、フレジクール-ル・トランスロイ道上を750ヤード(690m)幅の前線をもって、騎馬で進んだ。 >attack had the support of creeping and standing barrages from 96 × 18-pdr field guns, extended on either side by the neighbouring divisions and 16 × 4.5-inch howitzers, 2 × 6-inch and one 9.2-inch howitzer batteries. ⇒攻撃は、96×18ポンド野戦砲による掃討的継続的な集中砲火の支持を受け、近隣の師団、16×4.5インチの榴弾砲隊、2×6インチと9.2インチ榴弾砲の砲兵中隊が左右両側でそれを広げた。 >A section of 8-inch howitzers was available for the bombardment of strong-points and road junctions and the XIV Corps heavy batteries were able to neutralise German artillery during the attack. The operation took the unusually large number of 368 prisoners, for a loss of 382 casualties. ⇒8インチ榴弾砲の部隊が強化地点と道の交差路の爆撃に利用できて、第XIV軍団重砲兵中隊は攻撃の間にドイツ軍の砲撃を中和することができた。この作戦行動は、368人という異様なほど多数の囚人を捕縛したが、代りに382人の犠牲者を失った。



