(1)The technology of genetic enginnering now, scientists can insert specific genes to cemical and vegetables without process throught cut and try at selective breeding.
(2) According to WHO, the risk of death that caused pregnancy-relation until all life in developing country is more about 36 times likely than ones lived in developed country.
> (1)現在の遺伝子工学の技術により、科学者たちは選抜育種で試行錯誤する過程を踏む必要なく、特定の遺伝子を植物や動物に挿入することができる。
> (1)The technology of genetic enginnering now, scientists can insert specific genes to cemical and vegetables without process throught cut and try at selective breeding.
(1)The technology of genetic engineering now, scientists can insert specific genes to animals and vegetables without process through cut and try at selective breeding.
それはさておき、The technology of genetic engineering nowは単独の名詞句で、分の構成上、不明な句になっています。WithとかThanks toやUsingなどを使っておくべきでしょう(主語にすることもできる、後述)。なお、nowはcurrentかmodernに変えてtechnologyを前から修飾してはどうかと思います(※ nowで間違いではありません)。
without processはprocessがthrough以降で充分限定されているので、the processのほうがいいかと思います。
cut and tryは日本語ではときどき聞くものの、辞書などを調べても分かると思いますが、trial and errorのほうが無難かと思います。そのあとのatはちょっと悩むところですが、inかonがベターなような気がします。
(1)With the current technology of genetic engineering, scientists can insert specific genes to animals or plants without the process through trial and error in selective breeding.
the current technology of genetic engineeringが可能にした(enable)と考えると、以下のようにもできると思います(その他にも多少の変更)。
(1)The current arts of genetic engineering has enabled researchers to give specific genes into animals or plants without trial and error in selective breeding.
> (2)世界保健機構によれば、発展途上国の女性が生涯の間に妊娠に関連した原因によって死亡する危険性は、先進国に住む女性と比較して約36倍高い。
> (2) According to WHO, the risk of death that caused pregnancy-relation until all life in developing country is more about 36 times likely than ones lived in developed country.
(2) According to WHO, the risk of death caused by pregnancy-relation problems during women's lifetime in developing countries is approximately 36 times higher than that in developed countries.
(2) WHO says women's risk of death for their lifetime relating to pregnancy and childbirth in developing countries is approximately 36 times worse than that in developed countries.
> (3)多くの性感染症はほとんどもしくは全く症状がないことから、人が感染し、自分も相手のどちらも分からないまま、他の人に感染させてしまう可能性がある。この理由から、こうした感染をスクリーニングすることは、早期の発見や迅速な治療を保証する上でとても重要な役割を果たす。
(3) As many STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) would make no or too slight subjective symptoms, STD carriers unaware of being infected might give others STD infections unawares for each other. Therefore, screening for those STDs is a very important part of ensuring the STD detecting and curing in early stages.
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