• 締切済み


I received the Pearl IV today and it is beautiful, but the film advance stop (which releases the shutter trigger to fire the shutter) is not working. The film advances freely through the numbers and so the shutter trigger remains locked. Do you know how I might be able to fix this problem? I don't want return the camera, but I will have to if I can't get the film advance to work properly so that the shutter trigger will work. I looked more closely at the shutter trigger mechanism and film advance connection that locks and unlocks the shutter trigger. I found a badly bent section in the connector rail between the film advance and the shutter trigger. It is bent in a way that prevents the shutter lock from sliding down to allow the shutter trigger to be depressed and fire the shutter. Without this being fixed, I can't use the camera. It does not look like something I can repair easily by myself and I do not want to force it and make it worse. I have attached a close up of the bent part. I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for a refund and return it. I looked at the problem again and It's clear that this piece was repaired before I got the camera and the repair was only temporary. When I opened it up, the film advance stop and multiple exposure protection mechanism did not work properly and it's because of this bent piece. It was probably out of alignment so the trigger pressed against the piece and each time the camera is closed, it bends a little more and gets worse until the trigger is completely stuck. The best repair that I could do is to bend the lower trigger lock tab enough so that the trigger can depress and fire the shutter. But, there is no way for me to fix the film advance stop and multiple exposure prevention, two key features of the Pearl IV. I will test the camera, but if I keep it I would like a partial refund because not all of the functions work properly. If you can not give a partial refund I will have to have to send the camera back for a full refund. I'm really sad about this. I did a test roll with the camera and because the film advance frame count mechanism is broken it is very hard to space the frames for each shot. I tried to advance to the proper spacing by just using the dial numbers, but that doesn't work well. I have attached a photo of the strip of test negatives where you can see overlapping frames. Because it is not functioning properly I would like to do one of the following:


  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

長過ぎるので全訳はしません。 1. パールIVが届いたけど上手く動かない。返品したくないので解決策教えてほしい。解決できなかったら返品するしか無い。 Advance Film Stop (フィルムの送りを止めるもの?)がシャッターのロック・アンロックと連動してるみたいだけどフィルムが送られてもシャッターがアンロックされない。 2. よく見ると、フィルム送りの機構とシャッターのロック・アンロックの仕組みをつなぐところにひどく折れたものを見つけた。折れたところの写真を送ったので見てみて。どうも自分で直せそうもない。やっぱり返品・返金かなあ。 3. 更によく見ると、この折れたところは以前も修理されたもので暫定処置だったみたい。取り付けが適当じゃないのでシャッターを押すたびにだんだんおかしくなってとうとう機能しなくなった。(どうやって直したらよいか想像でその後書いています) 4. カメラを返したくないけど、機能しない部分があるので、一部返金して欲しいみたいですが、それができなければ返品と100%返金ん。 5. フィルム送りの機構がちゃんと働かないので、上手くちゃんとした量だけ送るのが難しい。サンプルで写真と写真の一部がオーバーラップした物を添付した。4.のうちのどちらか対応して欲しい。
