Discover the reason behind your difficulty sleeping in bed compared to falling asleep during travels.
Explore the impact of environment and state of mind on your ability to sleep.
Learn how anxiety and overthinking can contribute to sleeplessness at bedtime.
question:I have difficulty sleeping at night and often find that it takes me two hours to nod off.
Yet when I travel as a passenger in a car, bus or train, I find that I can fall asleep in minutes, often without intending to, and even while listening to music.
I have woken up at the end of a journey only to fall into bed and be unable to sleep.
Why is it that the quiet, relaxing and comfortable environment of a bed is less likely to let me sleep?
answer:I too used to suffer from the 'fall asleep anywhere except in bed' syndrome.
My idea was that it was mostly caused by my state of mind.
When traveling, the noise and warmth can help sleepiness occurーtogether with the fact that one is usually not supposed to be doing anything.
However, at bedtime it seemed that my mind would start some serious thinking because there was nothing to disturb me.
That, together with the anxiety of looking at the clock past midnight, giving notice of another sleepless night, would keep me awake.