- ベストアンサー
Confusion with Multiple Languages: A Frustrating yet Envious Dilemma
- Have you ever experienced the frustration of speaking multiple languages and occasionally confusing them? Discover how one person deals with this dilemma and the mistakes that come with it.
- Imagine the envy of being able to speak multiple languages but also the confusion that comes with it. Learn about the challenges and humorous mishaps that arise from speaking different languages.
- Speaking multiple languages can be a blessing, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Explore the struggles of language confusion and the amusing mistakes that can occur.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
(1)「日本語しか話せない私にとってそれは羨ましい悩みだね」 私にとって= for me 私は日本語しか話せない= I only speak Japanese それは羨ましい悩み(ジレンマ)だね= that is an enviable dilemma "For me who only speak Japanese, that is an enviable dilemma." (2)「私はブラジルに興味があるので、次のオリンピックがリオデジャネイロで開催されるのがとても嬉しいです。」 私はブラジルに興味があるで= Because I am interested in Brazil, とても嬉しいです= I am very pleased 次のオリンピック= the next Olympic Games リオデジャネイロで開催される= will be held in Rio de Janeiro "Because I am interested in Brazil, I am very pleased that the next Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro."
その他の回答 (1)
- transformbeauty
- ベストアンサー率23% (6/26)
It's a nice problem. I also want to be a multi-lingual 素敵な悩みですね。わたしもマルチリンガルになりたい。 ってのはいかがですか? ブラジル云々のところはもっと端的に will be held in Brazil to Olympics! im so glad! cause i like brazil :D で良いかなと・・・わたしも稚拙なんでもう少し回答を待機されてみては?(^_^;)
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