the room is the wrong colour. All the rooms are wrong. I have to change them back. Moving quickly – eagerly – I leave the paintings in the middle of the room and turn my back to them, getting brushes, a screwdriver, levering the lids from the cans of emulsion. I look at the empty expanse of the wall, ready for new paint, and take a deep breath.(前回の終わりの部分です)
* * *
The Art rooms smell of turpentine and oils – chalk, charcoal – white spirit—
The picture I have made is the still life we are supposed to draw, but there is something else – a face breaking through the surface of the picture, half submerged there – his face – Jamie’s face—
As soon as I can, I scramble over the wall to wait for Jamie. I have endured the morning’s story with my father and am free now until lunch. It is hot back here already; the sun rises at the head of the valley and sets down over the water, and though this side catches it a little more fully, the whole of Altesa is bathed in light from mid-morning through to sunset. The stones of the waste ground here soak up the heat and hold it, and even after dusk will be warm to the touch, as though alive. Jamie is nowhere to be seen. After a few minutes of walking back and forth, I settle down to wait, finding a comfortable place to sit and raking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks.
It is warm and I feel lazy and happy.
The picture I have made is the still life we are supposed to draw, but there is something else の中のThe picture I have made is the still life とは静物画のことですか?we are supposed to draw私たちが描くと思われる??受動態になっているのがよくわかりません。なぜなのでしょうか?
a face breaking through the surface of the picture, half submerged there – his face – Jamie’s face—について、これは、静物画の表面にJamieの顔が浮かび上がっているような感じなのでしょうか?
I have endured the morning’s story with my father and am free now until lunch.の中のthe morning's storyとは朝食の時の会話のことですか?
the sun rises at the head of the valley and sets down over the water,のsets downは、沈む、という意味ですか?
After a few minutes of walking back and forth, I settle down to wait, finding a comfortable place to sit and raking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks. でraking together a pile of pebbles to throw at the larger rocks. とありますが、つまり大きな岩に小石を投げて遊ぶ、みたいな意味でしょうか?
教えてください。 お願いします。
教えていただいて考えてみたら、I'm coming soon. と同じですね。 よくわかりました。ありがとうございました。