General Petraeus told reporters in Baghdad the surge of U.S. troops and progress by Iraqi security forces have helped reduce violence in Iraq by 60 percent in the last six months, to the lowest level in nearly two years.
(1), to the lowest…のtoの使い方がよくわかりません。。。
のような意味でしょうか?それなら「, which is the lowest …」となりそうな気がします。。。
"We look forward to all elements of the Iranian government following the promises, making real the promises that Iran's senior leaders have made to their Iraqi counterparts to stop the training, funding, arming and directing of organizations like the special groups,"
(2)have made to their cunterparts to stopについて
to theirは勿論to stopも不必要に見えます。。。何故toが使われているのでしょうか?