I related to the nature of him being an immigrant, struggling to discover his identity, and so powerfully taking everything that he was discovering – this complication, this chaos, this turmoil, and this beauty inside of him — and throw it out there, and lift himself and everybody else up to be everything they know they could be. And looking at that, he lifted me up to be everything I could be on this film.
(1)take everything の訳し方。 everything がhe was discovering の先行詞なのは理解しています。
(2) everybody else up to be everything they know they could be. のup to
(3) be everything they know they could beの訳し方。これは直訳だと「彼らができると知っている全て」でしょうか?
皆さん、回答有り難うざいました。 数えられるものというのは、お金などのように数値化できることだと考えていました。