• 締切済み

英語の質問 (入試に関して)

次の英文から始まる大学の入試問題の、「大学名」と「年度」を教えて下さい! (1)The Tokaimura disaster is a reminder of the problems that have accompanied technological advancement. (2)Asian culture, such as Japanese, Chinese, Thai, and Vietnames, place great value on avoiding open expression of disagreement and conflict because they emphasize harmony. (3)Both anger and fear are very active emotions. If you are angry with someone,… (4) When I ask people worldwide what are the three most important things in their lives, 95 percent put ''family'' or ''family relationships'' on the top-three list. 1つだけでも構わないので教えて下さい!


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)
