LOL yea, I am, Don't worry about the mistake, ha ha, sometimes when I type it can get confusing reading it. But if you want to know about my back up career choice if I don't succeed with becoming a prosecutor. But that's if you want to know. So you want to be a counselor at law? Sounds good. I wish you the best of luck and hope you meet your goal ^_^
This is a tentative reply. That’s because I can’t understand you partly yet. ha ha, habit :) well, if I succeed in becoming a lawyer, maybe I’ll be a counselor-at-law ( at this time ).
correction, I’ve got it now. You mean you’re going to make a backup plan if the prosecutor thing should not turn out. Of course that's the stuff.
こんばんは!! たくさんの補足に丁寧に回答ありがとうございました。 本当にありがたいです。映画よくみてますよ。(字幕をマッハで読んで、英語に耳を傾けてます) やはりよく聞く言葉は聞き取れますが、たまに訳が 自分の思ってる訳と違うときに”あ”違うぅじゃないか!!って思う時も多々あります。でもここでも使う言葉かぁ、んーーって悩むこともありありです。 状況によって使い分けていけるように、やります。 ありがとうございましたm(__)