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Jack and Jill Partyの意味は?
Pet Shop Boysプロデュース、Pete Burns歌唱の"Jack and Jill Party"という歌があります。 とっても「そっち系」な歌詞であるということはわかるのですが、正確に訳せる方、どなたかお願いできませんか? I'm going to a Jack-and-Jill party A Jack-and-Jill party Is always gonna start me On the road to ruin And who knows where? Paint your face And rat your hair In the cathouse With my bitches In the back room of the palace Adding up my riches Such a clown I had the wrong idea Should have gone to stage school And got a career I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going to America A very big subject America We'll walk down the avenue Hand in hand Cameras flashing On command Posessed of a power to fascinate It's almost like I'm almost straight And that's such a great Substantial way To deflect hate In the USA I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going to a Jack-and-Jill party A Jack-and-Jill party And nobody's gonna stop me I don't care What they say These days everybody's A DJ The public reject Collectors collect It's a matter of size And you're up for a prize Turn my back On the human race Gimme an inch And I'm jamming the space I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) I'm going (To a party A Jack-and-Jill party) Paint your face And rat your hair
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- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)