• 締切済み


和訳が出来なくて非常に困っています… •They apparently came under attack from several direction,and fought back. •Farmers whose land had been lost to the dam began to catch fish instead,but befor long there were very few fish left in the lake. •Western NGOs have actively campaigned to block large dam projects various countries,arguing that they harm both the environment and the local community,a view recently endorsed by a report commissioned by the World Bank. 長文でごめんなさい。 面倒臭いとは思いますが、回答よろしくお願いします!


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

•They apparently came under attack from several direction,and fought back. 彼らは、見たところ、いくつかの方角から攻撃を受け、反撃に出た。 •Farmers whose land had been lost to the dam began to catch fish instead,but befor long there were very few fish left in the lake. ダム建設により土地を失った農夫たちが、こんどは漁を始めたが、すぐに湖の魚の数が激減した。 •Western NGOs have actively campaigned to block large dam projects various countries,arguing that they harm both the environment and the local community,a view recently endorsed by a report commissioned by the World Bank. 西洋のNGO団体は、いくつかの国で、積極的に、大きなダム計画をとどめるための運動を行ってきて、ダム計画は、環境と地元社会の双方を傷つけることにると論じており、この考えは世界銀行により委任された報告で最近支持された。 以上でいかがでしょうか。
