The United States Congress declared the 1990s the Decade ofthe Brain, but some
suggest that the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain, when the last great
frontierin biology-an understanding of the most complex biological system,the
human brain -will be conquered. Already the considerable advances made in brain
science over the past 50-100 years are being called upon to explain many things about
human behavior. Universities are asking what various disciplines and fields can learn
from brain science and vice versa. Fields as diverse as philosophy, music, English,
linguistics and anthropology are represented, as well as the expected fields of biology,
psychology, and computer science.
Many examples can be offered to illustrate the impact of brain science on other
disciplines;I offer two here. First, studies of how we learn and remember things have
demonstrated convincingly that memories are largely reconstructive and creative. False
memories are not uncommon. These findings have fundamentally changed the way the
law views eyewitness testimony. Contrary to the long-held belief that an eyewitness can
faithfully record and remember an event, we now realize that what we remember of an
event depends on many factors -previous experiences, biases, attention,imagination,
and so forth. Different eyewitnesses can give very differentreports,though in each
case describing what each observerfirmly believes he or she saw.
A second example is the placebo effect -long thoughtto be without physiological
basis.If a sugar pillis administered to someone experiencing pain,that person reports
a lessening of the pain if told the placebo will help. We now know thatthe pain
reduction is caused by the release of special chemicals in the brain. No drug trial today
is carried out without a control group receiving a similar, but presumably inactive,
agent. But placebo effects can greatly influence the outcome of such trials. How then
do we decide what works and what doesn't? This question has enormous implications
for medical therapies.
How far does the influence of brain science extend ? Do studies on the developing
brain,for example,tell us much about how we should raise or educate our children ?
Some say yes, but others respond with a strong no. The stakes are high public
programs costing millions,if not billions, of dollars, are linked to notions supposedly
neurobiologically based, but often the neurobiological evidence cited in support of one
position or another is weak, controversial, orinterpreted too strongly. The view that the
young brain is more modifiable than the adult brain Which is certainly true -led to
the notion thatthe firstthree years are the essential ones forraising a healthy, happy,
and competent child. 7)This extreme view, and the evidence on which it is based, has recently been critically examined in John Bruer's book, The Myth of the First Three Years.As
Bruer clearly documents, the first three years are important for brain development, but so are subsequent years. Nothing close down completely after just three years- indeed, the brain continues tomature until the age of 18-20.