Yesterday I was sleeping(昨日寝ていたら) ... and all of a sudden I heart my phone received an email (I forgot to put my phone to silent mode) ... but somehow I thought it would be an email from you ... and then I fell asleep again :)
How are you today? Is it also so warm in Tokyo? (東京も暑い?)In Osaka it was incredibly warm ... (大阪は信じられないくらい暑いよ)luckily I could stay indoors this weekend.(ラッキーなことに今週は中にいれたよ) Work does have some benefits :)Maybe you can handle this warm weather very well since your mother is from Okinawa? (君のお母さんは沖縄出身だから、君はこの暑さを乗り切れるのかな)I guess it must really be very warm there, no?(沖縄は本当に凄い暑いだろうね、違う?)
This morning I tried to running for the first time this trip in Osaka.(今朝、大阪に来てから初めてランニングしたよ) Because of my jet lag I couldn't get out of bed last week ...(先週は時差ぼけでベッドから出れなかったから) maybe I'm a little bit lazy.(多分私はちょっと体がだるい)
The running this morning didn't go well(今朝のランニングは良くなかった) ... it was sooooo warm .(すごーく暑かった).. I thought I was going to melt! And running time was very very bad ...(ランニングの時間はかなりだめだった)
Promise you will not laugh ...
Thank for being so considerate. You are really very kind.(あなたは本当に優しい)
I'm going back to Belgium on the 30th of August, but it could be delayed. So I will be here for still a while.
Maybe it would be better for you if you could visit Osaka in August? Then you can have a relaxed mini-holiday :)
I might be more busy towards the end of August. Because then we need to give a product to our Korean customer.
Is there something special you like to visit in Osaka? Osaka-jo, Dotombori, Shinsaibashi, ... please let me know. Have you been to Kyoto? This might require a bit more time ... need to check.
But if you know when you could come and how long I can think of what to do and I will let you know ok?
早速のご回答有難うございます。 I meant to go jogging this morning このような表現の仕方があるのですね。 辞書で調べたらmean(~する...つもりである、予定する)とありました。 mean=意味する と思い込んでいたので非常に参考になりました。 有難うございました。