(1)When designing new buildings, architects need to think carefully about how to prepare for emergency situations that may occur in the building.
(2)Because humans react like mice in emergency situations, one research group undertook an experiment to see how mice behave in an emergency.
(3)When carrying out the experiments, the scientists tested out many different environments, as well as changing the number of mice involved.
(4)Having a wider space for the mice to travel through in order to get to a dry area, created confusion and made it more difficult for the mice to escape.
(5)Even though no humans were tested in this experiment, this kind of research could help scientists discover how humans react in a disaster.
ご教示ありがとうございます。 >'choose A over B' used as a function word to indicate superiority, advantage, or preference <a big lead over the others 見えていませんでした。 >applied research やtheoretical research に対応する日本語 主語などから推察しなくてはいけないですね。 分かりやすく教えて頂き理解する事ができました。