( )にどの単語がはいりますか?
1.A dark suit is (more suitable , preferable ) to a light one for evening wear.
2.The (upper , prior ) classes still send their children to Eton or Harrow.
3.He was (very, the very ) oldest in him family.
4.He worked as hard as (any , no other ) student.
5.It is hard for me to understand her book,much (less , more) her lecture.
6.He is not an artist (any , much ) more than you are a mathematican.
7.A TV screen can hold 200 words ( at most, in the least ).
8.I thought I'd be late but I wasn't ( at last ,after all).
9. When you speak to the class,speak as clearly as you ( ).
※あと any other と no other がいまいちわかりません。教えてください。