英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください
英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!!
The building was sited away from other public buildings, in the eastern angle of the city.
It is not certain whether, as often claimed, this was because the site in question was open land and thus available for development: recent excavations have indicated that the blocks in the eastern quarter were much more fully built up in their early stages than was later the case.
Marginalizing the amphitheatre had the advantage of keeping potentially rowdy crowds away from the city-centre; at the same time, spectators from communities further up the Sarno valley, such as Nuceria, could be channeled in and out through the nearest city-gates.
The oval auditorium, which was not supported on a network of concrete vaults like later amphitheatres, exploited the slope of the defensive ramparts on the south and east.
つまり、登用するということですよね。 なぜ二重否定になるのですか。 preventは妨げるという意味ですので二重否定にはなりませんよね? that はここでは「つまり」という意味になりなすよね。 つまり、本文を訳すると、 「ないんだ。つまり、マレー人を軍の秘密を扱うような幹部に登用することは。」 というような意味になるんじゃないかと思うんですが・・ どうでしょうか? 回答ありがとうございます。