○In one experiment, chickenpox sufferers were either treated with a drug often used to lower their body temprature, or were given no treatment at all.
~s were either done ・・・, or were done ・・・.の部分について、 either were done, or were done としない理由は何ですか?
○Each year, thousands of people die in automobile accidents in which ordinary drugs, alone or in combination with alcohol, are present.
最後の ”, are present” の意味は何ですか? また、もし無くても論理的な間違いは生じませんか?
○Suppose your friend has just been to the dentist and cannot talk clearly. She is trying to tell you, with the help of hand gestures, that at the dentist's she had several injections of anaesthetic.
第二文目にある ”at the dentist's” の 's は「(歯医者の)医院」の省略だと思いますが、第一文目の ”been to the dentist” に、第二文目で使われている 's が無いことには、何か特別な理由がありますか?
○・・・ there aren't many distracting messages coming in from the left hemisphere, ・・・
・・・ messages coming in from the ・・・ について、”come in from”は熟語でしょうか。必要でしたら文法的な説明お願いします。
○People generally know soon enough when they are dehydrated, in need of food, or exposed to some kind of noxious stimulus.
”enough when”の enough はこの英文においてどんな役目を果たしているのでしょうか。 だって when だけで「~すると」という意味がありますよね。英語的な言い回しですか?