和訳してくださいm(_ _)m4
Another group involved in mammoth research was an international team headed by Dr. Goto Kazufumi.
There were 33 scientists on this team.
They were Japanese, Russian, and British.
In August 1997, they went on their first expedition to look for a mammoth.
At that time, they were only able to find mammoth bones.
They said, "If there were also piece of skin, we could get some mammoth DNA."
In August 1999, Dr. Goto tried again to find a mammoth with a second team made up of 26 Japanese and Russian scientists.
This time they found a piece of mammoth skin, but it was not in good enough condition to use the DNA.
The Japanese project is now led by Dr. Iritani Akira, and they keep trying to find mammoths.
In 2002, they found another frozen mammoth in Siberia.
A piece of flesh taken from it was brought to Japan in July 2003.
its DNA was also not well preserved, but the team didn't give up the project.