The Web has made the price of entry into the media market minimal, revolutionizing journalism.
Blogging has proven that journalism is more of a craft than a profession, as anyone can become a successful blogger with just a telephone and a conscience.
Blogs provide the best scrutiny of big media, improving the standards of professionals and adding new voices and perspectives.
The Web has done one revolutionary thing to journalism: it has made the price of entry into the media market minimal. In days gone by, you needed a small fortune to start up a simple magazine or newspaper. Now all you need is a laptop computer and a modem.
Ten years ago I edited a money-losing magazine, which had 100,000 subscribers. Two weeks ago on my four-year-old weblog, or blog, I had 100,000 readers in one day alone. After four years of blogging, I haven't lost a cent and have even made a small salary. And I don't even have an editor! Technology did this. And it's a big deal most people have yet to understand.
The critics of blogs cite their lack of professionalism. Nonsense. The dirty little secret of journalism is that it isn't really a profession. It is a craft. All you need Is a telephone and a conscience, and you're all set. Ynu get better at it merely by doing itーwhich is why fancy journalism schools are, to my mind, such a waste of time.
Blogs prove this. One of the best is a site started by a low professor in Tennessee. This “amateur” has earned the trust of his readers simply by his track recordーjust as The New York Times did a century ago. And after a couple of years, the number of his readers rivals and often surpasses that of the traditional magazines. Does he make mirtakes? Of course, he does sometimes. I've done so many times myself. But the beauty of the blog world is that if you make a mistake, someone will soon let you know again. Blogs that ignore critics will lose credibility and readers. And readers may have more and better information at their fingertips than the best researcher in the world.
Does this mean the old media is dead? Not at all. Blogs depend on the journalistic resource of big media to do the immense amount of reporting and analysis. What blogs do is provide the best scrutiny of big media imaginableーimproving the standards of the professionals, adding new voices, new perspectives and new facts every minute. The genius lies not so much in the bloggers themselves but in the transparent system they have created. In an era of polarized debote, the truth has never been more available. Thank the guys sitting in their living rooms in their pajamas. And read them.
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