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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ignore watching things)
What did you think my why ignore watching things? What is winding kids and why is 'I don't think he prefers guy like me' a joke?
- In a video, at around 0:14, someone asks the question 'What did you think my why ignore watching things?' It is unclear what this phrase means. Also, at around 3:23, someone says 'you gonna winding kids, you got a point. Thank you. I don't think he prefers a guy like me'. It is unclear what 'winding kids' means and why 'I don't think he prefers a guy like me' is a joke.
- An unclear question is asked in a video: 'What did you think my why ignore watching things?'. Another confusing statement is made: 'you gonna winding kids, you got a point. Thank you. I don't think he prefers a guy like me'. The meaning of 'winding kids' and why 'I don't think he prefers a guy like me' is a joke remains unclear.
- The video contains an unclear question: 'What did you think my why ignore watching things?'. There is also a confusing statement: 'you gonna winding kids, you got a point. Thank you. I don't think he prefers a guy like me'. The meaning of 'winding kids' and why 'I don't think he prefers a guy like me' is a joke is unclear.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
この女性がご質問のインタービューの前に別のインタビューを行なった映像があります。 http://www.bloomberg.com/video/86984560/ ご質問のインタビューは上の映像と関連しております。 0:14 What do you think about Mike Novagrats said that? マイク ノバグラッツが述べたことについてどう思いますか。 (だと聞こえますが、) 3:23 About Whiny little kids, you are not whiny little kid. He has the point. Thank you Thank you. I don't think he refered guy like me. A captainn of the industry? Thank you so much. Whiny Little Kidsに付いてですが、あなたはその一人ではないというのは、彼の言うとおりとおもいます。 (政府が何かを言うとすぐに泣き言をいう投資会社の経営者をWhiny Little Kidsと呼んでいます、従って女性の司会者はあなたはそうでないでしょうと述べたことに対して)ありがとう、ありがとう、彼は私のようなものを指して言っているわけではないと思います。 (あなたは)業界のトップなのにですか? ありがとう (業界のトップなどと褒めてくれたので、)