Basically it was the same thing all over again. In this situation it's like, I don't know what the terms of your own personal contract was, but I was unlawfully fired. We had specific rules in our contract on how it has to be done, and it wasn't followed.”
On the problems in STP last year: “There were financial things we were dealing with, and I also felt on a creative level that we needed to take a break. I felt like we were playing the same set over and over and over. We were supposed to do a big big release of the box set for the 20th anniversary of Core and go on tour in the summer of 2012 and play Core in its entirety which is an idea we got from a couple other bands, namely Weezer. It was hugely successful, and for us to do that with Core, the offers we were getting were amazing, and they didn't want to do it. There was a lot of promotion that would have had to take place. So that didn't happen, so we ended up playing the greatest hits set, which was basically the same version of the set we had been playing since 2008 when we got back together.
さっそく回答、ありがとうございます! rideは『乗りもの、乗用馬』と辞書に載っていました。 回答をいただいてから、少し自分で投稿した文をみていたら、rideという単語を見落としていたことに気づきました。 グーグルで検索したら以下のような文章を見つけました。 This year I at least was able to avoid the Small World ride. (今年は、少なくとも『小さな世界』の乗り物は避けられた。) http://www.proteinpower.com/drmike/weight-loss/disney-small-world-ride-a-casualty-of-the-obesity-epidemic/ ありがとうございます