(252)They loved……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか
They loved the lamentable works of Ares and deeds of violence; they ate no bread, but were hard of heart like adamant, fearful men.
Great was their strength and unconquerable the arms which grew from their shoulders on their strong limbs.
Their armour was of bronze, and their houses of bronze, and of bronze were their implements: there was no black iron.
These were destroyed by their own hands and passed to the dank house of chill Hades, and left no name: terrible though they were, black Death seized them, and they left the bright light of the sun.
試し訳 (直訳志向です)
彼らはアレースの嘆かわしい仕事ぶりや凶暴な行為を好んだThey loved the
lamentable works of Ares.
彼らは食事をせず、断固とした、恐ろしい人間のように、心の冷酷さがある。but were hard of heart like adamant, fearful men.
Great was their strength and unconquerable the arms…….
彼らの鎧は青銅製であり、家も青銅製their houses of bronze かつ、それらの家具も青銅製でand of bronze were their implements、
そこに黒い鉄で作られたものはなかった。There was not Black Iron.
これらは彼らの手で破壊され、冷たいハデスの暗い家に手渡され、名を残さなかった。彼らは恐ろしかったけれどもterrible though they were、黒い死の神タナトスが彼らを捕らえ、彼らは太陽の華麗な輝きを後にして死んだ。
質問 次の項目について、それぞれの解釈は正しいでしょうか。
(1)They loved the lamentable works of Aresについて
(2)but were hard of heart like adamant, fearful menについて
(3)from their shoulders on their strong limbs について
(4)Great was their strength and unconquerable the arms. について
この文は(of)を挿入して、Great was their A and B (of) the armsと
考え、Greatなのはarmsではなく、Aであり、B of the armsとしました。
(3)their houses of bronzeについて
この文は(was)の省略と思われ、their houses (was) of bronze と
(4)their houses of bronzeについて
これもtheir houses (was) of bronzeと挿入
(5)terrible though they were について
これはthough they were terribleと倒置
*black Death;これはNyxの子タナトス、ケール(死の命運)とは違う。
*Black Iron;特別な貴重品と思われる(黒い鉄で作られたもの)。
*they ate no bread;彼らはパン(食事)をしない。(神のことだからあり得る)
*These were destroyed by their own hands;彼らが壊した(理由不明)