In comparing his results obtained for different domains, Galton claimed that they supported, but did not prove, his hereditarian thesis. "The general result is, that exactly one-half of the illustrious men have one or more eminent relations." The highest proportion of the illustrious with an eminent family, 0.8, he found among senior judges(24 out of 30 lord chancellors) and men of science (65 out of 83), the lowest, 0.2-0.3, among divines (33 out of 196) and musicians (26 out of 100), with an overall average for all domains of 0.5. However, Galton admitted that his personal bias could easily have influenced his choice of illustrious and eminent individuals. (Genius by Andrew Robinson)
1) 以下の数字が出てくる英文はどのように読むのでしょうか?
The highest proportion of the illustrious with an eminent family, 0.8, he found among senior judges(24 out of 30 lord chancellors) and men of science (65 out of 83), the lowest, 0.2-0.3, among divines (33 out of 196) and musicians (26 out of 100), with an overall average for all domains of 0.5.
2)exactly one-half of the illustrious men have one or more eminent relations.
3)his personal bias・・・彼の個人的な先入観、ですか?
丁重なご回答誠にありがとうございます! いつもお世話になってます! >He is dying. と言えば,「彼は死にかけている,瀕死の状態だ」 ということです。 わかりやすい英文ありがとうございます!