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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ニュアンス重視で、以下の英文を日本語に翻訳願います)


  • どんなことが起きても、何があっても、揺らがない「自分」というものを持ってさえいれば、強くなることは簡単なのよ?
  • 私は強いのではない、「自分」というものを持ってるから、弱くなってもすぐに戻ることが出来る。元から強い人間なんているはずないわ。
  • 私は色んな人に気づくことの大切さを教えてきた。家族、友達、元恋人、知人。私は友達に会うこともやめて、仕事も休み、毎日彼女の側にいることを決めた、100%彼女に視野を向けた。


  • ベストアンサー

遅いかもしれませんが、一応ご参考になれば。 私と一緒にいれば、あなたは強くなれるはず If you are(wereも可) with me, you should be stronger. どんなことが起きても、何があっても、揺らがない「自分」というものをしっかりと持ってさえいれば、強くなることは簡単なのよ? Whatever may happen, come what may, it's easy to make yourself stronger if you have firm "yourself." 私は強いのではない、「自分」というものを持ってるから、弱くなってもすぐに戻ることが出来る 元から強い人間なんているはずないわ I'm not strong. I am able to be back to myself as I have firm "myself" if something gets me down. There can't be a stable, strong person ever since he or she was born. どういうことか、わかるかしら? Have I made myself understood? そう、私は色んな人に気づくことの大切さを教えてきた 家族、友達、元恋人、知人 Yes. I have taught many persons how important it is to "realize." --- my family, friends of mine, ex-boy friends, acquaintances ... あなたが鬱になりつつあると書いてあったのを見て、私は思い出した I remembered something when I saw you write you are getting depressed. 実は母も昔、何年もの間、ずっと精神的な病気だったの 私はそれを病気だなんて受け入れなかったけどね To tell the truth, my mother was mentally ill for years. I didn't admit that she was ill, however. だけど医者の判断は、鬱、不眠症、そしてパニック障害だった But the doctor diagnosed her as suffering from depression, insomnia, and panic disorder. 私はまず、あてにならない病院通いと、脳の思考を阻止するだけの、バカな薬を彼女から奪うことを決断した 父と兄は全て私を頼ってきたわ、彼らはどうしていいかわからない様子だった First of all, I made up my mind to prevent her from seeing the unreliable doctor and get rid of medication prescribed just to stop thinking. My father and brother turned to me for everything. Looked like they were at a loss what to do. 声が出なくなり、私も肉体的、精神的に倒れそうになるほど、それは私にとって、とても辛く、絶望的で、苦しいものだったけど、今思うと、素晴らしい経験だと思う I lost my voice. Besides it was such a painful, hopeless, agonizing challenge that I myself might have been in bed due to physical and mental stress. But now I have realized it was a great experience for me. 私は友達に会うこともやめて、仕事も休み、毎日彼女の側にいることを決めた、100%彼女に視野を向けた I decided to stop seeing friends of mine, to stop working and instead to be by her side every day. I let her everything in my sight. 私は彼女に言い続けたんだ「今のあなたは決して病気ではないのよ、だから不安になることはない、本来のあなたは今のあなたではない、あなたは気づいていないだけ、それは大丈夫よ」 I kept on saying, "You are not ill at all so don't feel uneasy. What you originally are is not what you happen to be now. It's just that you haven't realize it. Anyway it's ok. 叫ばれても、怒鳴られても、泣かれても、暴れられても、私は諦めなかった そしてある日、彼女は気づき始めてくれたんだ 私はそのサインをきちんとキャッチした I didn't give her up however hard she screamed, yelled at me, cried, and ran wild. She got what I tried to give. そういう事々から 不可能なことはないんだ、という事を学んだ、誰にでも出来ることじゃないのかもしれない しかし、努力することで結果は必ずついてきてくれる その結果は、良くも悪くも、自分に変化をもたらす それが強さとなる I've learned from those things that the impossible is surely possible. This may not be applicable to anyone else. But making efforts is sure to bring with it something fruitful. If it should come out good or bad, it makes changes in oneself. That leads to being strong. ●ご自分で気に入っている表現がありましたら、自由に変えてください。




その他の回答 (2)

  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2312)

You should be able to become strong if it is together with me. It will be easy one to become strong, if it is clear and is firmly with it, no matter what may occur whatever there may be? Since I have the not strong thing "myself", even if I become weak, I can return immediately. it must be in a strong human being from origin -- there is nothing In what kind of thing does it understand? Yes, I am the family, the friend, former sweetheart, and acquaintance who have taught the importance of noticing various persons. You found having written that it was becoming depression and I remembered. in fact -- a mother -- were [ being ancient times, many being years, and / much mental ] sick -- I did not accept it as it is sick However, a doctor's judgment was depression, insomnia, and a panic disorder. I decided to deprive her of a foolish medicine which prevents unreliable hospital visiting and cerebral thinking first. all of a father and an elder brother have depended for me -- they seemed not to find why it is good Voice stops coming out and I think that it is a wonderful experience if it is considered now, although it was very hot, hopeless for me, and painful, so that it becomes that I am likely to fall physically and mentally. I also stopped meeting a friend, he was absent also from work, and it was decided that it was in the she side every day -- the view was turned to her 100% you of "now are by no means sick -- it is OK as you whose original you who therefore do not become uneasy are not present you did not notice -- " Even if were cried, it roared out, it cried and it could riot, I did not give up and I caught the sign exactly that she began to notice one day. From everything It may not be that anyone who learned can do that there is no impossible thing. However, a result certainly follows by trying hard. Also often and bad, the result results in change to itself. It serves as strength.


どうしてほしいのかわかりません。 質問を削除したくなるかな。 回答が付いたのであなたは質問を削除できなくなりました。



訂正です!日本文を英文にです! 改めて宜しくお願い致します
