• 締切済み


スキンケアカタログの翻訳の最終段階で行き詰ってしまいました。 辞書をひいてもいまいちしっくりくる訳しがなくて困っております。 どなたか分かるところだけでもいいですので、翻訳のご協力お願い致します! Intelligent solutions communicate with your skin -Injection-free, professional skincare with bioactive nutriments that stimulate cellular harmony and deliver visible, clinically proven results in-cabin and at home. -Proprietary solutions bridge the gap between cosmetic skincare and pharmaceuticals. -Is cutting-edge, peptide skincare that targets skin's visible and invisible signs of aging, and helps maturing sin delay or forgo invasive dermatological procedures. -Hydrates skin to its virtual saturation point and relieves dryness with potent emollients and 24-hour, long lasting benefits. -This formulations improve, nourish and revitalize targeted areas as they defend the skin's collagen and elastin network against future damage.


  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

「最終段階」ですか。前回の回答についてご不明な点があれば補足してください。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6926426.html
