- ベストアンサー
My Most Awful Day - A Reflection on the Earthquake
- The earthquake on the 11th of March was the most awful thing in my life. I had experienced two big earthquakes before, but this one had a big impact on me. I was at work when it happened, and although I didn't feel the initial tremors, seeing the devastation on TV shocked me. I couldn't watch any other TV shows because of the earthquake, but I believe that Japan has overcome many challenges in the past and will become even stronger.
- As a child, I experienced the Great Hanshin earthquake in 1995, but I was too young to fully understand what was happening. This time, however, I was able to comprehend the magnitude of the disaster. Even though I lived far from the epicenter, I still felt a few tremors, and it made me feel dizzy. Seeing the destruction and the impact on people's lives saddened me.
- Despite the difficulties we face, I believe that Japan will bounce back. We have overcome many challenges throughout history, such as World War II, and I have faith that we will become an even more powerful country. This earthquake has reminded me of the resilience and strength of the Japanese people, and I am confident that we will overcome this tragedy.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
I think that the most awful thing in my life is the earthquake. →I think that the most awful thing in my life was the earthquake. →まだ復興はしていませんが、一応過去のこととして 過去形で書くのが良いと思います。 We had had that on the 11th of March. →We had that on the 11th of Marth. →過去完了は、ある出来事に対して、 それよりも前のことを話すとき。ここは過去形。 This is the big impact on me. →It had big impact on me. →「衝撃です」ではなく「衝撃を与える」という言い方。 Actually, I had been experienced two big earthquakes in my life. →Actually, I have experienced ....... →現在~過去のことなので、現在完了。 上にも書きましたが、過去完了は過去~その前の過去。 →experience は、能動態で「経験する」の意味。 The first is great Hanshin earthquake. →The first one was the great ...... →過去のことなので過去形が良いと思います。 That hit us on the 11th of January in 1995 when I was 4 years old. →新しい文にせずに、コンマで前の文に続けた方が 関係詞の非制限用法で、しゅっと繋がるかも、と思います。 However, I don’t know exactly what happened that day, →However, .... on that day. →「その日に」は on が必要。 That is why I was a very young, so I didn’t understand what going on. →Because I was very young, I didn't understand what was going on. →「それが、私が幼かった理由です。だから・・」 となってしまっています。反対の意味になっちゃってる? →「何が起こっているのか」の going は 進行形なので、be動詞が必要です。 I was working at factory ~ first time. →接続詞を使った文がコンマで長く繋がっているので、 こういうときは、ピリオドで区切って独立させる方が 読み人にとっては親切かと思います。 →But I lived in Shiga which is far from the ..... →関係代名詞で繋ぐ方がカッコいいです。 →So, I just didn't realize the earthquake at first. →「はじめは」は、at first I felt a few shakes, ~ in Japan. →これも、文がいくつも繋がっているので、 分けた方が良いと思います。 →Because I felt (only) a few shakes, I just thought that I felt dizzy. →feel がちょっと連続するので、 真ん中だけ think に変えてみました。 →So, it was a big surprize to me when I watched on TV what had happened. →こういう時に使うのが過去完了です。 (happen → watch よりも前の出来事。) →打ち間違いかもしれないけど、surprise は 名詞なら is(was) a big surprise to me 、 動詞なら surprise(d) me very much という使い方。 I was not able to watch other TVs. →I was not able to watch other programs. →「他の」なので、テレビじゃなくて番組が良いかと。 Kind of dramas or something else. →such as TVdramas or others. →前の文の program の説明として、 そのまま続けたら良いと思います。 It is because the earthquake that I couldn’t watch others. →It was because of the earthquake (that I ....) →because の後に名詞を挙げるときは because of ○○。 →that ~ は、前の文の繰り返しになるので、 なくても良いかなーとも思います。 I hope that we will be able to become more powerful country than we were. →I hope that Japan will be ......than it was. →「より強い国になる」なので、 日本そのものを主語にした方が意味が通ります。 ところどころヘンな書き方をしてしまったので ちょっと読みづらいかもしれません。ごめんなさい。 書く内容・・・確かに難しいですねー。 「なんでもいい」って、逆に悩みますもんね。 雑誌とかテレビとか見て感じたこと、とか。 ブルーハーツの歌から「今日はコレ」って1つ選んで 歌詞の意味や、好きなポイントを解説してみるとか。 日本とアメリカの違いで、びっくりしたこととか。 んー・・・これくらいしか思いつきません。 気が向いたら採用してください。笑
その他の回答 (1)
日記は本当に好きな事を書く、というか今日何があったか、を書くといいですよ。 またネタがなくなれば、読んだ本や観た映画の感想を書くのも良いですね。 文法や間違い、というわけではないのですが 例えば I think that the most awful thing in my life is the earthquake. We had had that on the 11th of March The most awful experience in my life is the earthquake, happened on May 11. といった風に色んな文法や文章の構成方法を使った書き方を工夫すると勉強になりますよ^^