I must acknowledge the fact that i am very impressed with your email and in every indication you have proven not to purchase my animals for investment purpose which others do but first of all because you love this stunning and wonderful creatures as well as i do and will be more than willing to take very good care of them when in your possession.
I think A JPY(Yen) should be equivalent to C GBP(Pounds) in my currency and i must let you know it is not a bad offer at all though i normally go for D - E GBP.
I might be willing to consider but first of all,i think purchasing a pair will be more better to an individual,unless you already have some available and moreover,
i do not find it comfortably at all separating my animals.
Like i said,i have a pair up for sale at the moment and you will not want to let them go if seriously interested in a F pair,so let me know if you will be taking the pair should i consider your offer?
Your English is not bad at all, don't get discouraged since i perfectly understand you.
I hope you must have seen my previous email.
Let me know if you will be making a purchase on the pair,so as to proceed further with reservation and shipment when appropriate since i have got other offers coming in.
Like i said before,your offer have been accepted depending if you will be taking a pair or singles?
当方の通貨価値では A JPY(Yen) は C GBP(Pounds) に等しいと思います。だから、悪い話ではないでしょう。ただし、当方は普通は D - E GBP で取引しております。
私はペアで売りに出しております。もしも F のペアをご希望であれば、バラバラにすることはお望みになられないのではないでしょうか。もし私があなたからの注文をお引き受けすれば、ペアでご購入いただけるのか否かを知りたく思います。
ありがとう御座位ました。 とても解り易い日本語です。