・Remember when you were a kid, and it seemed as though there was too much time? I can remember, at around age 9, having so much spare time, especially during the summer, that I could afford to spend entire days on activities such as coloring my entire stomach blue with a ballpoint pen, or conducting a scientific experiment to see exactly how many candles the dog would eat before it started walking funny. Well, those innocent days are long gone.
→‘出来れば’が良く分かりませんでした。“if I can,~”とか使えますか?
Studies show that a weight-loss program that relies only on dieting is less effective than a plan that includes physical exercise. One expert claims that people who cut 250 calories through dieting can double that number by combining it with excercise and other physical activities.
saysheさんありがとうございます!! ブハハハ自分自身が豚になるってなんだ~(・_・)fatは相手に失礼になるんですかね?私が見たのはgossip写真で米アーティストが18歳なのに30代後半~のおばちゃんなみに貫禄たっぷり激太りして別人みたいでした…。 え~内気な人がtwitterやるかな~(怪) saysheさん聞いて~私が適当なコト言っちゃったから少し面倒なコトになりつつある…今messageやり取りしてる相手にSpain語おしえてとかその場のノリで言ったら意外にも相手がえらくはりきってtwitterやめて今すぐfacebookに登録してSkypeでlesson開始なうの勢いです…フゥー(-_-#)ちょっとした簡単な単語とか日常会話を教えてもらおうと思っただけなのに…ハ ハ。