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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語にしてもらえませんか??)


  • 友人への英語メールを依頼する際には、自然な英語を使うことが重要です。翻訳サイトではなく、実際の英語の使い方に慣れるためにお願いしましょう。
  • 兄弟の仲良し関係を築くためには、結婚しても兄弟同士で仲良くしたいという願いを持つことが大切です。
  • ディズニーワールドへの旅行が楽しみであり、自分の地元を観光客のフリをして写真に撮ることに喜びを感じています。


  • ベストアンサー
  • jayjay85
  • ベストアンサー率75% (3/4)

Sorry for taking so long to reply. After I got home from hanging out with my friend, I ended up talking on the phone with another friend for a while and then my cousin wanted me to give him advice about some stuff. Before I realized it, it was already so late that I went to bed. Despite the fact that my friend and cousin are both boys, we ended up talking a lot and I got really tired. I think it's great to get along with your siblings. I also have two younger brothers and we'll often go out together in a big group of 6 (me, my boyfriend and them and their girlfriends). I really hope that even if one of them ends up getting married and having his own family, we'll still be as close as we are now. I'm really looking forward to going to various places with you. If/when we go to Disneyland I'll be so happy that I may just drop dead. Last year when I was in America, I was always saying that I wanted to go to Disneyland, but Arizona was just too far from Florida, so I gave up. It's a little delayed, but I took some photos of my town. I pretended that I was a tourist in my own hometown and took some photos, lol. (じゃじゃん!僕は英語がペラペラなカナダ人ですけど、よろしく!)



カナダの方ですか? 英語も日本語も堪能でうらやましいです。 ありがとうございました!


その他の回答 (2)


Sorry to be late for replying. At that day after hanging out with my friends, I talked to other friend by phone for long and also I talked to my cousin because he wanted me to listen to what he is worrying about recently. after it, it was very late at night,i went to bed soon.They talked a lot even though they are men, so i got really tired. Anyway,we should keep good relationships with our brothers and sisters. i have two young brothers and we often go out with my boy friend and their each girlfriend. and if my brothers got married and had children, i hope i have good relationships with them as i have now. I'm really looking forward to visiting many places with you. If we go to the Disneyland, I would be so happy that i can die. I really wanted to go to the Disneyworld last year when i was in the states. But i couldn't since it takes so long from AZ to FL. These photos are what i took around my town for you. I was acting as a tourist to my town when i took the photos:) 僕は大学生で、英語力に自信があるわけではないので参考までに。


(誰か上手に答えてくれるかもしれないけど。) 逆の立場になったところを想像してみて。 つまり、日本語を習っている外国人の友人がいて、その人からメールを受け取った時、 (1) たどたどしいし間違いもあるけれど、一生懸命言いたいことを伝えようとしているメール (2) 日本語が得意な見ず知らずの誰かにこなれた日本語に訳してもらったメール どちらが嬉しい? 私なら断然(1)だな。 足元を見られたら困るような仕事の相手に送るメールじゃないでしょ?一緒に遊びに行くのが楽しみで嬉しすぎて死んじゃうかもしれない友人へ送るメールでしょ?あなたが伝えたいのはきれいな英文文字列じゃなくて、その気持ちなんじゃない? うまく英語にできないから言いたいことが全部言えるわけじゃないかもしれないし、苦労して書いた英語は間違いだらけかもしれない。でも、その行間には気持ちが必ずにじみ出るものだと思うな。

