• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:手紙を英語に訳して頂け無いですか??)


  • 手紙を英語に翻訳してもらいたいと思っています。
  • 私は英語の学習を楽しくしてくれて、あなたとの会話を楽しみにしています。
  • 同封したプレゼントはブランドのネックレスで、あなたに喜んで欲しいです。


  • ベストアンサー

一部順番を入れ替えたり、日本語特有の表現を自然な英語表現に変えたりしています。 I'm a little nervous writing you a letter for the first time, but I'm thrilled at the same time. You email me every day because I said I missed you. Now it's my daily routine to email back and forth with you. You make learning English fun for me. I wish you good luck studying Japanese to make your dreams come true. I will attend an English conversation class starting this December because I want to get better and be able to talk to you in English. I'm not good at listening and understanding English, so I'm going to have to study really hard. Say, can I visit you in America next spring? I'd love to go to Disney World and Downtown Disney. Maybe you could show me around? Shall we go on a Disney date? I enclosed the necklace I was telling you about. Mine is white and yours is black. You know what? I hit it off with the store clerk and she gave me a discount when I bought two. :-) You told me you like the brand. I hope you like it. This year turned out to be a very good year because I met you. I'm looking forward to going on a date with you next year. Let's keep in touch!



確認が遅くなり申し訳ないです。 早速の回答ARIGATOU御座いました。 この訳を参考に手紙を書かせて頂きます!!