• 締切済み


「プライベートな事だから答えたくなかったら良いんだけど... 前から不思議に思ってた事があって… あなたは早く子供が欲しいって言ってるし、結婚願望があるでしょ? あなただったら良い夫や父親になれると思うんだけど、 なんで元彼女と結婚しなかったのかな…って。 世間的には結婚したくないっていう男性も多いけど、あなたはそれとは違うから何でかなって単純に気になって。 私も元彼氏と5年付き合ってたけど、同棲したら お互いの価値観や性格が合わなさ過ぎて結婚は無理だなって思った。」 という文章です。 直訳では不自然になるかもしれないので、自然なニュアンスで翻訳お願いいします。 申し訳ないですが翻訳サイトでの翻訳は結構です。



I wonder it would be OK for you to bring this up. I have something about your story that doesn’t settle in my mind. You can drop it if you don’t like ‘cause it’s a private matter. You said you have an aspiration for marriage and having kids while you’re younger. I wonder why you didn’t marry to your girlfriend after all. Some guys don’t want to marry for convenience, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for you. I’ve been dating with my ex-boyfriend for 5 years, but I found we wouldn’t be able to get married once we lived together and knew our difference in personal characters and individual values.


It's your peronal issue, so I'm not sure if I can ask you this or not, but I've been wordering... You sometimes say you want your children, I mean, something like the sooner the better. So I suppose you want to marry soonest, don't you? You must be able to be a good husband and father. So, I wonder why you and your ex-girlfriend didn't get married. Many men say they don't want to marry, but you're more or less different from those guys and it a bit worries me. You know what I mean? I went alog with my ex-boyfriend for five years, I mean we were living together and parted as friends. We finally noticed that we couldn't get married because of the too big differences of our personarities, our sence of values and so on. くらいですかね。この後「それで?(So what?)」と聞かれそうな気もしますけど。

  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

I have been wondering but it is personal thing so that you don't need to answer if you wouldn't like... You said you would like to have a child or children. And you have a wish to get married, don't you? I definitely believe that you are going to make good husband and father. I wonder why you didn't get married with your previous girl friend. I know there are a lot of men who wouldn't like to marry in the world, but you are not that kind of person. So I am simply curous about it. I was with my previous boy friend for about 5 years and later living together without tying the knot, I found that it was obvious that getting married with him was impossible since our dispositions and value systems are so much different
