- ベストアンサー
- A市の人口はB市の人口の3倍であることを表現する英文法の比較について調べました。
- The population of A city is three times as large as that of B city.またはThe population of A city is three times larger than that of B city.という表現が可能ですが、The population of A city is three times the size of B city.という表現も可能です。
- ただし、The population of A city is three times the size of the population of B city.という表現も可能です。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
<The population of A city is three times the size of B city.> population を比較するので、本来は ----its population is three times the size of Iraq's ----Their population is three times the size of ours のように書きます。(Iraq's = population of Iraq) (ours = our population) でも実際にはそこまでかたくなに考えず、 ----population is three times the size of the United States ----population is three times the size of Iraq のような文例は幾つも見つかります。 学校の文法か、実社会の文法か、の差でしょうか。
その他の回答 (1)
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
(1) The population of A city is three times as large as that of B city. (2) The population of A city is three times larger than that of B city. (3) The population of A city is three times the size of B city. (4) The population of A city is three times the size of the population of B city. (1)-(4) 全て可能ではと思いますが、もしかすると(3)は ...the size of B city's とする必要があるかもしれません。 (1), (2) は良く使いますが、(3), (4) の size と population の相性も悪くなさそうです。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/population+size/UTF-8/?ref=sa またそのほかに (5) A city is three times as populous as B city. http://ejje.weblio.jp/sentence/content/populous (6) A city has three times as many people as B city. 等とも言えますね。