- ベストアンサー
- 日本語の「連れて行く」と「連れてくる」は、行先の位置関係が異なるという違いがあります。
- 「連れて行く」は、話し手が相手を自分よりも遠い場所に連れて行くことを意味します。
- 一方、「連れてくる」は、話し手が相手を自分よりも近い場所に連れてくることを意味します。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
The basic difference between the two phrases is in the last part; (1) 来る (describing a movement toward the speaker's point of reference, say "to come" in English) and (2) 行く (describing a movement away from it, say "to go away" in English). So 連れて行く is like "to take someone away" and 連れて来る is like "to bring someone over." These expressions are compounds of two verbs 連れる "to accompany" and iku/kuru. So going and coming are not done by one person but by accompanying some one or some people in the process. In my view, there is no necessary implication that 連れて行く is "when you take someone of a lower rank", except that the person could be either incapable of independent movement (as a child or a disabled) or might have to be moved against his/her wishes (as an arrested suspect). If your dictionary isn't clear use 一緒に、as in 一緒にまいります "I will bring him/her" to avoid "lower rank" implication that the lexicographer seem to be worried about. In sum, the difference is in the direction, not unlike between "to come" and "to go" in English.
その他の回答 (2)
- SPS700
- ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)
#1 again. >> So, what is まいります? Is it keigo or somrthing ? It is used when the 1st person is going (a case of kensongo and an opposite of keigo)
Thank you. I get it .I recognized that Japanese is a lot of harder than other languages :(
- nagoyaka46
- ベストアンサー率20% (1/5)
Application of use for verb "行く" and "来る" in Japanese is unique in below situation. To go to a place where none of speaker A nor speaker B isn't now, we use "行く". To come to the place where speaker A isn't and speaker B is, speaker A says I "行く" to speaker B. In the same situation, speaker B says to speaker A that you "来る" to speaker B. "連れて行く" means "take (someone) to (somewhere)" "連れて来る" means "bring (someone) from (somewhere)" When the situation is the case to use "行く"(See top of my comment), we use "連れて行く” And for the case "来る", we do "連れて来る" As you say, we do not use this expression when the person who is taken is high level person. In that case, we use "お連れする"、"案内する", "付き添いする",etc. These verbs do not contain neither of ”行く” nor "来る". Belows are some examples: "Hey Jim, this is Tom. Can you take him to the bar when I'm in the US? "ジム。彼がトムだよ。ぼくがアメリカにいる間、彼をあのバーに”連れて行ける?” "Hey Jim, he's our cliant, Mr. Thomas Clinton. Pls take the customer to the bar while I pay the bill now!" "ジム、彼がお客様のトーマス・クリントンさんだ。ぼくがここの支払いを済ませている間にお客様をあのバーに”お連れしなさい” "Hello, Jim. It's Steve. Can you bring Sala to the bar if you are with her now ?" "もしもし、ジム。スティーブだよ。もし君が今サラと一緒なら彼女をあのバーに”連れて来れる?” "Hello, Jim. It's Steve from the bar now. Can you bring the cliant here? "もしもし、ジム。スティーブだ。今バーからだ。お客様をここに”お連れできるか?”
Thank you vey much, I'm appreciate for your help !
First of all, sorry for my delay and thank you very much for your help! The explanation was really helpful and I totally understand. Now I can use つれていく と つれてくる a lot in my daily conversation. So, what is まいります? Is it keigo or somrthing ? Thank you !