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Comparison of Mower Performances: Fatness and Eloquence vs. Thinness and Gracefulness
- A comparison of two mowers, one overweight and wearing black trousers, and the other slender and young, reveals contrasting mowing skills and movements.
- While the overweight mower struggles with the scythe-strokes and moves in a stiff manner, the slender mower performs the task with elegance and precision.
- The difference in their abilities and appearances is evident, with the overweight mower provoking disapproval and the slender mower impressing with his graceful technique.
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直訳です I want to look at the mowers, 草刈をする2人を(もう一度しっかりと)みたくなった。(mowersはmowをする人として使っていると思う) and wonder why fatness, elderliness and black trousers should inevitably wear a mew straw hat of the boater variety, そして、不思議に思う・・何故、太めの、年が上で黒のズボンを着けた男がカンカン帽の様な麦藁帽を被るのか move in stiff jerks, 硬くぎこちなく動くのか shove the end of the scythe-stroke with a certain violence, 最後の一振りを、えらく暴力的に刈るのか and win my heart disapproval, そして私の心をつかめないのか (一連の動作、姿を良しとしないのか) as contrasted with young long thinness,bright blue cotton trousers,a bare black head, ~とは反対に、・・・やせて、足の長い、あでやかな青いコットンのズボンをはいた男 and a pretty lifting movement at the end of the scythe-stroke. そして、最後の一振りを軽やかに持ち上げて草を刈る姿 http://www.martindriscoll.com/ この中に出てくる絵で真ん中辺りの白いシャツのおじさんが手にしている昔の草刈をイメージした 現代であれば http://www.google.co.jp/images?um=1&hl=ja&rlz=1I7GGLJ_ja&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=%E8%8D%89%E5%88%88%E3%82%8A%E6%A9%9F&aq=0r&aqi=g-r2&aql=&oq=%E3%81%8F%E3%81%95%E3%81%8B%E3%82%8A%E3%81%8D&gs_rfai=